272 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. This was a very wide subject and there were many speakers in addition to Mr. Whitaker ; the consensus of opinion may be briefly summarized. It was suggested that the work done by the various Societies should be made widely known in their respective districts, that reports of their meetings, etc., should be sent to the local press, and that everything relating to the district should be recorded. Mr. Whitaker laid great stress on the recording of small facts, and deprecated burdening the local Societies with the cost of printing other matter than that relating to their area. Professor Turner and Professor J. L. Myers, joint secretaries of the Association, spoke of the valuable work done by the Corresponding Societies, and the latter suggested the advisability of keeping in touch with nature study scholars after they left their class studies. Several delegates referred to the increased cost of meetings and of publishing their transac- tions. The Chairman suggested curtailing the reports of pro- ceedings. He mentioned that he had seen a printed report in the Journal of a certain Society where 48 pages were taken up in recording the proceedings of their annual dinner ! Several delegates suggested the more frequent change of office-bearers and Committee, and two or three even went so far as to suggest that this should apply also to the Local Secretaries. Mr. Whitaker, in closing the debate, agreed that it was advisable to have a change in the office-bearers and Committee, but as to the Secretary, he said, "You should be very careful in selecting your Secretary, and when you have got him, keep him as long as you can." He submitted the following motion :—''That this Conference recommends the Council to call a meeting of the delegates and office-bearers of the respective Corresponding Societies, to be held in London at a convenient date, when this subject may be further discussed." The motion was agreed to by a majority. ESSEX MUSEUM LIBRARY DESIDERATA. Inserted loosely with this Part will be found a list of Parts of Transactions of Societies and other publications, required to complete the Club's Library sets. Members who may happen to possess any such Parts which they can spare, are cordially invited to forward them to either the Hon. Librarian or the Hon. Secretary at the Essex Museum, Stratford, where they will be gratefully received and acknowledged.