TEN YEARS' PROGRESS IN LICHENOLOGY. 285 noted in a definite section. A paper, as explained previously, occasionally appears in more than one section. Section I. Record of Species. 1. Smith, A. Lorrain :—(a) Lichenes, Clare Island Survey, part 14. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxxi., 1911. (Some ecological notes included), (b) New Lichens. Journ. Bot., vol. xlix., 1911. 2. Paulson, R., and Thompson, P. G. :—Report on the Lichens of Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist, vol. xvi., 1911, vol. xvii., 1913, vol. xix. 1919. 3. West, W. :—Shetland Lichens. Journ. Bot., vol. li., 1912. 4. Knowles, M. C. :—(a) Notes on West Galway Lichens. Irish Naturalist, vol. xxi., 1912. (b) Maritime and Marine Lichens of Howth. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xiv. (N.S.), No. 6, 1913. 5. Wheldon, J. A., and Travis, W. G. :—(a) Lichens of Arran. Journ. Bot., li., 1913. (b) The Lichens of South Lancashire. Journ. Linn. Soc, vol. xliii. (Bot.), 1915. 6. Wheldon, J. A., and Wilson, A.:—Lichens of Perthshire. Journ. Bot. (supplement), 1915. 7. Mayfield, A. :—The Lichens of a Boulder Clay Area. Ipswich Field Club, vol. v., 1916. 8. Travis, W. G. :—Anglesea Lichens. Journ. Bot., vol. lv., 1916. 9. Watson, W. :—(a) New, Rare or Critical Lichens. Journ. of Bot., lv., 1917. (b) Cryptogamic Vegetation of the Sand Dunes of the West Coast of England. Journ. of Ecology, vol. vi., No. 2, 1918. (c) Bryophytes and Lichens of Calcareous Soil. Journ. of Ecology, vol. vi.. No. 3 and 4, 1918. (d) Bryophytes and Lichens of Fresh Water. Journ. of Eco- logy, vol. vii., No. 1 and 2, 1919. 10. Paulson, R. :—The Lichen Flora of Hertfordshire. Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc, vol. xv., 1919. 11. Wheldon, J. A. :—Llanberis Lichens. Journ. Bot., vol. lviii., 1920. Section II. Ecology. Knowles, M. C. :—No. (4b), Sect. I., 1913. Paulson, R. and Thompson, P. G. :—No. (2), Sect. I., 1913. Wheldon, J. A. and Travis, W. G. :—Nos. (5a), (5b), Sect. I., 1913 and 1915. 12. Wilson, A. and Wheldon, J. A. :—Alpine Vegetation of Ben-y-Gloe , Perthshire. Journ. Bot., vol. lii., 1914. 13. Hartley, J. W. and Wheldon, J. A. :—The Manx Sand-Dune Flora. Journ. Bot., vol. lii., 1914. 14. Darbishire, O. V. :—Some Remarks on the Ecology of Lichens, Journ. of Ecology, vol. ii., No. 4, 1915. 15. McLean, R. C.:—The Ecology of the Marine Lichens at Blakeney Point, Norfolk. Journ. of Ecology, vol. iii,, No. 3, 1915. 16. West, W. :—Ecological Notes, chiefly Cryptogamic. Journ. Linn. Soc, Bot., vol. xliii., 1915.