SAMUEL HARSNETT, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. 287 Plate XXIII. Fig. 2. Plate XXIV. Fig. 3. Plate XXIV. Fig. 4. Plate XXV. Fig. 5. Plate XXV. Fig. 6. Plate XXVI. Fig. 7. Plate XXVI. Fig. 8. Gonidial layer of the above ; (a) fully developed gonidium (Chlorella cell), showing central nucleus and a small eccentric body surrounded by a light area; (b) group of daughter gonidia just after liberation from a mother cell, x 1000. Gonidial layer of the thallus of Evernia prunastri Ach. ; (a) normal gonidium; (b) sporulating gonidium. x 1000. Gonidial layer of Dermatocarpon aquaticum A. Zahlbr, showing ; (a) vegetative division of a gonidium (Protococcus cell), x 1000. Asci, each with eight uni-septate ascospores, from the perithecium of Acrocordia Salweii, A.L.Sm. ; (a) fertile ascus ; (b) immature ascus. X 250. Ascus with eight ten-septate spores from the apothecium of Graphis elegans Ach. X 250. Asci, each with eight multi-septate acicular spores, from perithecium of Gongylia viridis A.L.Sm. ; (a) fertile ascus ; (b) immature ascus. X 250. Asci, each with four thirty—to forty—septate spores, from apothecium of Conotrema urceolata Tuck; (a) and (b) as above. X 250. SAMUEL HARSNETT, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. By GEORGE RICKWORD, F.R.Hist.S. [Read at Colchester, March 27th, 1921.] DURING the sixteenth century several Colchester men achieved distinction in the service of the Commonwealth. Thomas Audley, a yeoman's son, rose from the office of Town Clerk of Colchester to that of Lord Chancellor of England and a Knight of the Garter ; John Lucas, another lawyer, founded, from monastic spoils, a family which in the next generation ranked with the first houses in the land ; and William Gilberd, the son of yet a third lawyer, became physician to two sovereigns and gained undying fame by his scientific discoveries as the Father of Electrical Science. A Colchester lad, Samuel Harsnett by name, rose from yet humbler beginnings, by sheer force of merit, to the position of the third person in the kingdom outside the blood royal. He was born on, or just before, June 20th, 1560, when he was