A MS. ESSEX FLORULA. 305 hood of Bentley and Tattingstone, the clay is covered by the beds of the Crag formation, abounding in organic remains. "In connection with the geology of the country, the Alder Cars, which here form a peculiar feature, deserve mention. In most districts the swampy declivities of hills where springs abound are occupied by bog; but the Cars, which here hold this position, are deficient in the two characteristics of bog, iron and the moss Sphagnum. The want of the former I take to be the cause of the absence of the latter ; but this I cannot positively assert. "The number of species included in the list is 592. Of these about 35 are due to the presence of salt water ; but, even when these are deducted, the number (557) considerably exceeds that of the species which fell under my notice in an equal space of time at East Grinstead, in Sussex (520), and at Hertford (510). The neighbourhood of Dedham may therefore be fairly considered as a productive botanical country, notwithstanding the absence of many species from the total want of chalk and bog, and the great scarcity of heath. But nevertheless, I am far from sup- posing that I have thoroughly examined the country; and I have no doubt that a careful observer will be able to add many new species, as well as many stations of the rarer ones, which have either been overlooked or removed from my notice owing to my absence from Dedham for nearly two months at the height of the season. I have since had experience at Hertford, where a second year has added upwards of 100 species to those observed in the first. "With respect to the words 'common,' 'frequent,' &c., used to denote the comparative frequency of the species, I must beg the reader's indulgence for inaccuracies which (owing to my short residence in the vicinity and my absence before men- tioned) could hardly be avoided. Thus I find myself totally un- able to say whether Chrysanthemum leucanthemum is a rare or common plant ; it flowered during my absence, and I saw it in two or three places only after my return : and the same is the case with several others. Several species are in all probability confined to one side of the Stour ; but I am not able to point out these farther than is done in the Catalogue. Few of the plants enumerated are particularly rare : I have added at the end of the work a list of such of them as are considered least W