THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 307 first arrival at Hertford he would seem to have been collecting materials for the Flora Hertfordiensis, which he published in conjunction with the Rev. Robert Holden Webb, who became Rector of Essenden, near Hatfield, in 1843. This was the first county Flora to be sub-divided by river-basins ; and it has an introduction on the physical geography and botanical divisions of the county, written by Coleman, in 1846, and embodying the substance of a paper by him on the Geographical Distribution of British Plants in the Phytologist for 1848 (vol. iii., p. 217). A supplement to this Flora was published in 1851 ; but in 1847 Coleman became an assistant master at Ashby-de-la-Zouch Grammar School, so that his work was transferred to Leicester- shire. Besides his assistance to Miss Kirby's Flora, alluded to by Watson, he contributed notes both on flowering plants and mosses to the Flora of Tutbury and Burton-on-Trent, by Edwin Brown, which was published in Sir Oswald Mosley's Natural History of Tutbury, 1863. Coleman died at Burton- on-Trent, September 12th, 1863. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ORDINARY MEETING (531st Meeting). Saturday, 30TH October, 1920. This meeting was held as usual in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal Technical Institute, Romford Road, Stratford, with the Presi- dent, Mr. Robert Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., in the chair. 50 Members were present. The following were elected Members of the Club :— Miss Jane Bishop, B.A., of 347, Central Park Road, East Ham, E. 6. Miss Gertrude A. Bray, of 5, Khedive Road, Forest Gate, E. 7. Miss Maud J. Foster, 112, Thurlow Park Road, Dulwich, S.E. Miss Mary E. Gullick, of 50, Osborne Road, Forest Gate, E. 7, Miss Gertrude M. Hart, of 73, Windsor Road, Forest Gate, E. 7. Mr. Alfred C. Brown, of 58a, Montpelier Gardens, East Ham, E. 6. Mr. George J. Cooper, of 33, Woodford Road, Forest Gate, E. 7. Mr. Sydney Dickinson, of 220, Battersea Bridge Road, Battersea, S.W. Mr. Guy Maynard, of The Museum, Ipswich, Suffolk. The Curator exhibited some fine specimens of the mycetozoans, Trichia varia and Tubifera ferruginosa, which had been presented to the Club's Museum by Miss G. Lister, who made some remarks on the specimens. Mr. Stanley Austin exhibited the identical albino blackbird noted