312 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. drates, while the orchid-root obtains mineral substances by aid of the hyphae which are derived from leaf mould. Mr. Hugh Main showed three formicaria containing living ants, together with the commensal beetle-larva Clythra quadripunctata and also empty puparia of the syrphid-fly Microdon mutabilis, both of which occur in ants' nests. Mr. Mothersole exhibited, and presented to the Club's Museum on behalf of friends at Chelmsford, a series of photographs of birds and their nests, taken from nature ; and also a "bye-gone" in the form of a candle- lantern. On the President's proposition, the thanks of the Club were accorded to the several donors and exhibitors. The President called upon Mr. J, Avery, who read a paper on "Jabez Legg, a Forgotten West Ham Worthy," illustrating same by a series of lantern photographs. The thanks of the meeting were passed to Mr. Avery for his communi- cation. Mr. Percy Thompson read, in abstract, a paper "On Another Annotated Copy of Warner's 'Plantae Woodfordienses,' "which he illustrated by the exhibition of photographs and by some lantern photographs and other exhibits. In further illustration, Professor Boulger exhibited Edward Forster's interleaved and annotated copy of Turner and Dillwyn's Botanist's Guide, and added some biographical notes on Forster ; and Miss G. Lister exhibited a copy of Linnaeus' "Tour in Lapland" (published as an English edition in 1811), which was dedicated by J. E. Smith to Thomas Furly Forster. The President, in proposing a vote of thanks to the reader of the paper, made some remarks on the sudden appearance of uncommon plants in Epping Forest in recent times, evidently by human agency. The meeting then terminated. ORDINARY MEETING (524th Meeting) Saturday, 29.TH January, 1921. This meeting was held at 3 o'clock on the above afternoon, in the Municipal Technical Institute, Romford Road, Stratford, the President, Mr. Robert Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., being in the chair. 80 Members and friends were present. Miss Winifred K. Howard, of 241, Coventry Road, Ilford, was elected a Member of the Club. The Hon. Librarian announced recent presentations of books to the Club's Library, made by Miss G. Lister and Mr. H. W. Lewer, and thanks were accorded to the donors. A lantern demonstration on "The Egg-laying of Polydesmus," was, in the unavoidable absence of Mr. Hugh Main, given by his daughter, Miss Muriel Main, who merited the hearty vote of thanks which her debut as a lecturer inspired. Miss G. Lister read some "Notes on the Hedgehog," and exhibited, in illustration of her remarks, a family of hedgehogs, comprising the mother