314 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. In the name of the party Mr. Percy Thompson expressed thanks to Mr. Wilmott for his kindly services during the visit. Meanwhile, the other group of visitors had made its way to the Crypto- gamic Herbarium, where Mr. J. Ramsbottom, M.A., F.L.S., took charge- Mr. Ramsbottom commenced by briefly describing the general arrange- ment of the Cryptogamic herbarium ; and exhibited various illustrations of agarics by Worthington G. Smith, Dr. M. C. Cooke, Massee and others, pointing out that the fungi were usually more easy of identification by means of these beautifully coloured drawings than by book-descriptions. Specimens of woody fungi were exhibited to illustrate the methods of mounting and labelling adopted, and attention was drawn to Sydow's Sylloge of Fungi, in 15 volumes, by reference to which the position of any fungus-specimen in the Herbarium could be found. Mr. Ramsbottom exhibited to the visitors the "gingerbeer plant," which is often brought to the Museum by ignorant persons as an insect product, under the names of "Californian bees," "Belgian bees," etc. ; he referred to the work of Marshall Ward in 1892, who showed that the essential constituents of the "gingerbeer plant" are a yeast (Saccharomyces pyriforme) and a bacterium (Bacterium vermiforme) acting symbiotically and producing fermentation. A large number of tropical forms of sclerotia of Cordyceps was shown to the party, as also the large sclerotium, known as "black-man's bread," and "white-man's bread" ; and Mr. Ramsbottom remarked on the recently recognized importance of the mycorhiza of fungi in the cultivation of orchids. A cordial vote of thanks was accorded, on the President's motion, to Mr. Ramsbottom for his interesting and instructive remarks on the speci- mens exhibited. The party then separated. ORDINARY MEETING (526th Meeting). Saturday, 26th February, 1921. This meeting was held, as usual, in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, at 3 o'clock on the above after- noon, with the President, Mr. Robert Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., in the. chair. 56 members and friends attended. The President welcomed, in the name of the Club, the Members of the Walthamstow Natural History Society, present by invitation. At a later stage, Mr. C. Nicholson, as hon. secretary of the Society, expressed the thanks of his Members for the welcome accorded. The following ladies and gentlemen were elected Members of the Club : Miss Dorothy Minn, of 187, Coventry Road, Ilford. Miss Alice E. Trappitt, of 2, Airlie Gardens, Ilford, Mr. Robert Patterson, M.D., of Gillwell Park, Sewardstone, Chingford. Mr. Alfred Scott, of 134, The Grove, Stratford, E. 15. In anticipation of the approaching annual meeting, nominations were made for new Members of Council and Officers for the ensuing year.