322 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. the often-painted lock and mill, Willy Lott's House (now sadly dilapi- dated), the Valley Farmhouse, and the ancient and somewhat mysterious moated area near by, believed to be a relic of Danish or Saxon, or perhaps even earlier times, but like the similar moated enclosure at Chigwell, with- out a history ! Tea was partaken of at Flatford, in the picturesque cottage adjoining the bridge, the party including Canon Russell, of Dedham, one of the original members of the Club, who forty-one years ago, when rector of Chingford, was present at the inaugural meeting of the Club, held on January 10, 1880, at Buckhurst Hill. The President referred with satisfaction to Canon Russell's presence, and Canon Russell in a few words, expressed his continued interest in the Club and recalled its important services in earlier days in securing the preservation and proper maintenance of Epping Forest. The President also thanked Canon Rendall for his kindness in acting as guide and expositor during the day, and for the way in which he had delighted the whole party with information of great interest. Mr. Paulson also, on behalf of the Club, tendered their warm thanks to Mr. Gurney Benham for arranging the whole of their programme and for accompanying them throughout and adding to their enjoyment of all that they had seen during a most delightful expedition. Mr. Paulson further expressed the Club's acknowledgments to the Mayor of Colchester, Mr. Jarmin, Mr. Wilson Marriage, Mr. Philip Laver, Mr. A. G. Wright, Mr. Rickword and other gentlemen of Colchester who had so kindly helped the Club and given it a welcome. Canon Rendall and Mr. Benham suitably responded. A visit was afterwards paid to Stratford St. Mary' Church, and the party then returned, via Boxted, to Colchester Railway Station, thus ending an Easter excursion which was voted by the members one of their most successful and memorable expeditions. Six members of the party remained at Colchester until the following day (Tuesday), and had the opportunity, by the kindness of Alderman Wilson Marriage, of inspecting the East Mills, where the various processes of "breaking down" the grain, separating the flour from the bran, and grad- ing the flour, were explained to them in detail. [In compiling the above account, the Editor wishes to record his indebtedness to the excellent report of the Colchester meeting, which appeared in the Essex County Standard of April 2nd, 1921.] ORDINARY MEETING (528th Meeting) and ANNUAL MEETING (529th Meeting). Saturday, 2nd April, 1921. These meetings were held in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Munici- pal Technical Institute, Romford Road, Stratford, the President, Mr. Robert Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., in the chair. 33 members attended. The following were elected members of the Club, viz. :— Mr. J. Dudley Daymond, of 7, Edward Street, Vincent Square, S.W. 1. Mr. E. Traherne Drummond, of "Wyaston," Woodford Green.