THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 323 Mr. A. W. Frost, of 54, North Hill, Colchester. Mr. Percy W. Horn, Curator, Stepney Borough Museum, 77, White- chapel High Street, E. 1. Miss Ruth Walker, of 63, Denbigh Street, South Belgravia, S.W. 1. Mr. Percy Thompson exhibited a fine "pellet" of white-tailed eagle, from the Derwent Valley, which had been presented to the Museum by Mr. F. J. Stubbs ; and also some "pellets" of jackdaw, obtained in the tower of Dedham Church, Essex, on the occasion of the Club's visit on Easter Monday. Mr. Walter Fox exhibited and described three sections (longitudinal, diagonal, and transverse) of the trunk of the "Cricket-bat Willow" (Salix alba, var. caerulea), which he had presented to the Club's Museum. These sections, cut from a tree which had been planted as a "set" by Mr. Fox himself, only seven years before, had already attained a girth of 30 inches at the base of the trunk, a remarkable instance of the value of care in planting, staking and protecting from drying winds and undue heat. Mr. Fox also showed a "set" cut for a cricket-bat, and described the modus operandi. Mr. D. J. Scourfield exhibited a living specimen of the medusiform larva of the Hydrozoan Aurelia aurita, taken in the Colne Estuary on the occasion of the Club's excursion a week before. Mr. Avery exhibited a series of old prints of Colchester from his private collection. The thanks of the meeting were voted to the several exhibitors and donors. The business of the annual meeting was then taken. The Minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmed. The Hon Treasurer presented his statement of the Club's accounts for the year ending December 31st, 1920, and moved formally that they be received and adopted. Mr. F. J. Brand seconded. The motion on being put to the meeting, was carried nem. con. The Hon. Secretary read the report of the Council on the work and progress of the Club during the past year. On the motion of Mr. C. Whit- well, seconded by Mr. Thorrington, the report was adopted nem. con. No nominations having been handed in other than those made at the meeting held on 26th February last, the President formally declared the persons then nominated to be duly elected as new Members of Council and Officers for the ensuing year, as follow :— As President, Mr. Robert Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S. As New Members of Council, Mrs. A. M. Thompson, Miss A. Hibbert- Ware, F.L.S., Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones, F.S.A., Mr. C. Nicholson, F.E.S. As Hon. Treasurer, Mr. John Avery, F.C.A. As Hon. Librarian, Mr. F. J. Brand. As Hon. Secretaries, Messrs. W. Cole, A.L.S., and Percy Thompson, F.L.S. As Hon. Editor, Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S., assisted by Mr. Henry Whitehead, B.Sc. As Auditors, for 1921-22, Messrs. C. Nicholson, F.E.S., and C. Bestow.