THE BRITISH FRESH-WATER PLANARIANS. 13 Head margin distinctly convex. Eyes squinting, and in front of widest part of head Pl. polychroa 7. With pointed tentacles .. .. Polycelis cornuta Without tentacles. Front margin blunt, with slight convex portion in middle .. Pol. nigra The specific characters given below are chiefly taken from Bohmig's (3) descriptions, to which some of my own observations are added:— Bdellocephala punctata Pallas. Fig. 2. Synonyms : Fasciola punctata Pallas. Planaria bicornis Gmelin. Bdellocephala bicornis de Man. Dendrocoelum angarense Hallez. Dendrocoelum punctatum Weltner. Description. Length 32 to 40 m.m.; width 6.0 to 6.5 m.m. in fully stretched specimens. Contracted specimens have a length of from 13 to 16 m.m and are from 10 to 12 m.m. wide. There is a constriction about the level of the eyes and a pair of blunt tentacles are present. A concave, unpigmented sucker (s) lies between the tentacles. The colour of the dorsal surface is brown with black spots or streaks; when these are very numerous the body appears almost black. The under surface is lighter in colour. The mouth lies approximately half-way down the body. The posterior is not pointed. The sides of the body are frilled. The intestines are furnished with many lobes which anastomose. Lobe—formula 10-11 2 (9-10), 10-11. Habits. The animals live in the mud of slow streams or of stagnant water during the summer, and rise to the surface for the purpose of producing cocoons. The spherical, brown cocoons, 3 to 4 m.m. in diameter, are deposited during the winter or early spring. A cocoon contains from 9 to 24 young, which emerge in about 20 days. Transverse fission has been observed in this species. Distribution:— Britain. The writer has not found this species, but it is included on the authority of Prof. Gamble (12). France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden. Dendrocoelum lacteum Mull. Fig. 1. Synonyms : Fasciola lactea Muller. Planaria lactea Muller. Dendrocoelum lacteum Oer. Description. Length about 26 m.m.; width 6 m.m. Colour, milk- white, with branches of intestine often showing brown. Front margin