14 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. of head blunt with a pair of very blunt tentacles. The eyes are placed wide apart, and a slight constriction is to be seen behind them. The mouth lies about two-thirds of the body length from the front margin, and im- mediately behind the mouth, in the mature individual, a pale streak indi- cates the position of the sexual organs. The sides of the body are almost parallel over the greater part of its length. Posterior to the mouth the body margins are frilled. Lobe formula of intestine 16-19, 2 (10-15), 16-19. Habits. Occurs in ponds and in running streams under stones and decayed leaves. It can withstand brackish water and has been found in the Baltic Sea. Bohmig (3) regards the species as a winter layer but Stein- mann and Bresslau (36) state that it may come to maturity at any time of the year. The writer has found sexually mature individuals in March, April and August. Probably cocoons are produced throughout the year in Britain. The cocoons are dark brown, 2 to 3 m.m. in diameter, and contain from 5 to 42 embryos. The incubation period ranges from two to six weeks. Transverse fission has not been observed in this species; its power of replacing lost parts is slight. Distribution:— Britain. Epping Forest, Chigwell Row, R. Stort; East London Waterworks, Tottenham; Regent's Park; Totteridge; Staines; Rickmansworth; Elstree Reservoirs. (H.W.) Ireland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, Russia. At present D. lacteum is the only milk-white species of plan- arian known in England. It is possible that some of the follow- ing milk-white planarians may be found, viz.:—Planaria vitta, with eyes, and Dendrocoelum infernale and Planaria cavatica, without eyes. Dendrocoelum infernale Steinmann. The species is very similar to D. lacteum, but it is about half the length and has no eyes. The uterine duct has an enlargement just before opening into the atrium. The uterine duct of D. lacteum (Fig. 1. ut.d.) is narrow throughout its course. Intestinal lobe-formula 15-18, 2 (12-15), 15-18. It lives in streams both above and underground. It has not yet been found in Britain, but has been recorded from Germany and Switzerland. Planaria cavatica Fries. Synonym. Dendrocoelum cavaticum Enslin. Milk-white, without eyes, and with two pointed tentacles. Frontal