26 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. time farmed, now bear a luxuriant growth of Aster tripolium and are the haunt of many Redshank, Curlew, etc. Very little of interest was noted on Foulness, and I was in- formed that very few duck appeared there and those that did come did not stay long. It was suggested that the absence of fresh water is the reason, which is probably correct. However, a certain amount of shooting is obtained on New England Island. In this area I have identified 75 species of birds, but as my observa- tions were carried out during March, July (end), August, Septem- ber, October and December it will be obvious that many more might be added. I give a complete list of all species identified, and the position of those upon which no remark is made may be taken as normal. Records of 28th August were obtained at a meeting of the London Nat. Hist. Society. Carrion Crow, Corvus corone. Common. Identified on all visits. Hooded Crow, Corvus cornix. One in a flock of rooks near Don's Farm, 9th October. Rook, Corvus frugilegus. Especially abundant. The follow- ing rookeries were noted, Wickford, Runwell, Runwell Hall, S.E. of Rettendon Place (70 nests), Woodham Ferris, N. Fambridge, S. Fambridge, Creeksea (25 nests), Paglesham (60 nests), Southminster, and Dengie. Magpie, Pica pica. 6th March, at Battlesbridge; 27th March, five birds and several nests, either old or new, seen in a small area near Althorne; 28th August, 2 seen at Battlesbridge, and a young bird in captivity at N. Fam- bridge, said to have been taken in the district; 9th October, at Battlesbridge and Fen Creek. British Goldfinch, Carduelis c. britannica. Seen 31st July. Corn-Bunting, Emberiza calandra. 26th March, singing near Southminster. Yellow Wagtail, Motacilla raii. 31st July, feeding young. 28th August numerous, especially at N. Fambridge, where they appeared to be flocking. Redstart, Phoenicurus phoenicurus. 28th August, one near Battlesbridge. Whinchat, Saxicola rubetra. 28th August, at Battlesbridge and N. Fambridge. Wheatear, OEnanthe oenanthe. 25th March, Wallasea Island ;