THE BIRDS OF THE CROUCH VALLEY IN 1921. 27 28th August, S. Fambridge; 17th September, many on Foulness Island and Wakering marshes. Swallow, Hirundo rustica. 31st July, numerous; 28th August, numerous at Hull Bridge; 17th September, a few. Martin, Delichon urbica. 31st July, numerous; 28th August, numerous at Battlesbridge; 17th September, a few. Sand-Martin, Riparia riparia. 31st July. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Dryobates minor. 9th October, Runwell. Kingfisher, Alcedo ispida. 28th March and 9th October, on the tidal water. Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus. 28th August, one at N. Fambridge; 17th September, one on Foulness Island; 9th October, one at Clementsgreen Creek. On all three occasions the owl was flushed from long grass either on or near the sea-wall. It may be pointed out that this species has been recorded as nesting near Burnham-on- Crouch in 1921. (See British Birds, vol. xv., p. 69.) Little Owl, Carine noctua. 6th March, Hull Bridge; 25th March, Burnham and Woodham Ferris; 9th October, N. Fambridge; 11th December, Creeksea and Hockley. Common Sheld-Duck, Tadorna tadorna. 26th March, two, Grange Decoy Pond. On the Crouch, 27th March, six, 28th March five, 31st July, five. Common Teal, Querquedula crecca. 26th March, Grange Decoy Pond; 28th March, N. Fambridge. Shoveler, Spatula clypeata. 28th March, 31st July, 28th August at N. Fambridge. This duck was numerous here and this is a probable breeding place. Pochard, Nyroca ferina. 28th March, N. Fambridge. Tufted Duck, Nyroca fuligula. 28th March, N. Fambridge. Heron, Ardea cinerea. Found on all visits. Parties from nine to twenty seen. Common Snipe, Gallinago gallinago. 25th March, Wallasea Island; 18th September, Wakering Marshes; 9th October, Clementsgreen Creek. Jack Snipe, Limnocryptes gallinula. 25th March, Wallasea Island. Dunlin, Erolia alpina. 6th March, small flock near Battles-