44 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. including Samuel Gurney, Lady Buxton and others, was instru- mental in erecting the Congregational Church in Forest Lane at a cost of £1,530, the building being opened free of debt. Jabez Legg was possessed of the Carnarvon Hall Estate, which he inherited from his father, Mr. Samuel Legg, who died on the 7th August 1846, at Stratford Green, aged 93 years, and was buried on 14th August in Bunhill Fields Burial Ground, City Road. His sister, Mary Westbrook, was buried the same day, aged 87 years, and is described in the Burial Register as residing at Stratford Green. Jabez Legg continued to reside at Stratford Green until his death in 1867. He married Catherine, a daughter of Robert Waylen, Esq., Mayor of Devizes. She died on the 22nd April 1824, aged 39 years, and her remains were deposited in a vault within the Congregational Church at Devizes. Jabez Legg appears to have been buried in a grave outside the Church, but adjoining the Church walls. The inscription on the tablet in the church records as follows:— In affectionate remembrance of Jabez Legg, Esq., of Stratford Green, Essex, who died October 23rd, 1867, aged 81 years. Very little is known regarding his history, and few of the inhabitants in the Borough have any information as to the buildings in Forest Lane, Forest Gate, known as the Forest Gate Retreat. They consist of a block of six cottages. Mr. Legg originally built (in 1858) the first three, Nos. 1 to 3, for the accommodation of his father's old servants, and added three more in 1863, the whole being intended to provide free living accommodation for six women having sufficient income to live upon. The gift of presentation is in the hands of private trus- tees. Under Mr. Jabez Legg's Will he left each inmate ten pounds, but provided no fund for the maintenance of the build- ings. Since his death his niece has invested, in the names of trustees, funds for the maintenance of the property and upkeep of the garden, and any surplus income is divided between the inmates at Christmas. The portrait is from an oil painting hanging in the room of the senior inmate of the Retreat, and is reproduced by permission of the trustees.