46 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Cause of death unknown to me. No trace of any wound, but half of the rectrices and a few of the rump feathers were missing. The Bird was an adult male of at least two years, in healthy condition. Stomach empty.—Percy W. Horn. Yellowshank at West Mersea.—An adult male Yellow-shank (Totanus flavipes) was captured at West Mersea on August 8th 1921, by Photo, A. G. Wright. Yellowshank (Totanus Flavipes). West Mersea, Aug. 8, 1921. Mr. John Pettitt, the dealer-naturalist of Colchester. The specimen is in full breeding plumage and in good condition, and has been set up for and purchased by the Southend Public Museum. The accompanying photograph of this extremely rare visitant from North America was taken by Mr. A. G. Wright, of Colchester, who kindly permits us to reproduce it in these pages.—Percy Thompson.