48 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. especially interesting, birds being very numerous.—William E. Glegg, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. The Meldola Medal for Chemical Research—Our lamented vice-president and original member, the late Professor Raphael Meldola, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., who died on 16th November, 1915, whilst actively engaged on special advisory work for the Government, in connection with the War, has had his name perpetuated by the institution of a medal, to be presented annually by the Institute of Chemistry, for the most meritorious chemical work of the year. The medal has been instituted by the Maccabaeans, a Jewish society, of which Meldola was president, and its award will be made by the Council of the Institute in conjunction with a nominated member of the Maccabaeans; the award will be restricted to British subject; not over 30 years of age and will have primary regard to analytical research. The medal, of which we are enabled to give an illustration by courtesy of the Registrar of the Institute of Chemistry, is in bronze, and has been designed and executed by Mr. Frank Bowcher. As our contemporary "Nature" justly comments, "this medal affords an additional fitting tribute to the memory of one of the most notable men of science of our time."—Editor.