NEOLITHIC SITES IN UPPER VALLEY OF ESSEX CAM. 51 has been paid to surface material of this period during the past three decades. In Scandinavia, however, the critical study of the remains of Neolithic man has continued, and much original work has been published which, when applied to the material available in this country, will be of the greatest value. The writer has Little doubt that sooner or later the attention of pre-historians will again be focussed on Neolithic man, and he would suggest that, as a preparation for critical study, the recording of Neolithic sites in an efficient and scientific manner is a work that can profitably employ the attention of individual workers in this County. In recording the Neolithic sites of the Cam Valley the writer has endeavoured to obtain the following necessary data :— 1. Position in latitude and longitude to the nearest second. Name of the parish and nearest hamlet or house marked on the ordnance map. Means of approach and salient features. 2. Height above sea-level O.D. and approximate height above the "thalweg" of the nearest valley. 3. Details of aspect and exposure. 4. Underlying geological structure. 5. Nature of the surface soil. 6. Position of the site in relation to available water. 7. Records of finds on the site:— a. Abundance. b. Type. c. Patination. d. Short description of any outstanding specimens. 8. Relation of the site to any neighbouring earthworks, tumuli or other pre-historic monuments. 9. Any indications that material of Neolithic type may be of pre- or post-Neolithic age. Much of the data for such a record can be obtained from the inch to the mile ordnance and geological maps, but it is always advisable to check and supplement such information by actual survey. The data for latitude and longitude may be obtained from the 1/4-sheet of the 6" to the mile ordnance survey maps. With a little practice a point can be located with a possible error of 12 feet in each direction.