68 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. the primitive culture of an unwarlike and non-hunting people, probably pastoral in occupation, and with the dawn of agricultural practice. 8. The occurrence of worked flints along with Roman remains at Great Chesterford and with Iron Age or Early Roman pottery at Chiswick Hall suggests an enquiry as to a Post-Neolithic date for these sites, but until further chronological evidence is forthcoming, it is convenient to regard them as belonging to a culture intermediate to the Cissbury and late Neolithic type. 9. The correlation of patination to the character of the soil is suggestive and may be summarised as:— Soil with much humus, black and unpatinated. Chalk soil, white patina. Sandy loam, greyish glaze to blue mottle. Clay loam, blue mottle. Clay, greenish glaze to "toad-belly" and ochreous type. BIBLIOGRAPHY. (1.) "On a Deep Channel of the Drift in the. Valley of the Cam, Essex." W. Whitaker. Q. J. Geol. Soc, vol. xlvi., p. (2.) Royal Commission on Historical Monuments Essex, vol. i., p. 260. (3.) Essex Naturalist, vol. xvii., p. 218-219. (4.) "An Ancient Cemetery at Saffron Walden." H. Ecroyd Smith. Trans. Essex Arch. Soc, vol. ii. (new series), p. 317. (5.) "A Burial of the Early Bronze Age at Berden." Maynard and Benton. Trans. Essex Arch. Soc, vol. xv., part 4. (6.) "The Classification of the Prehistoric Remains of Eastern Essex." S. Hazzledine Warren. Jour. Roy. Anth. Inst., vol. xlii., p. 91. (7.) "On the Correlation of the Prehistoric Floor at Hullbridge with similar Beds elsewhere." S. Hazzledine Warren. Essex Naturalist, vol. xvi., p. 266. (8.) "Neolithic Man in the Thetford District." W. G. Clarke. Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Soc, vol. vi., p. 23. (9.) "The Distribution of Flint and Bronze Implements in Norfolk." W. G. Clarke. Proc. Prehist. Soc. of East Anglia, vol. iii., part 1, p. 147. (10.) "The Gravels of East Anglia." T. McKenny Hughes. Camb. Univ. Press, p. 42. (11.) Geological Survey Map of England and Wales, sheet 47. Drift. (12.) Memoir of the Geological Survey, No. 47, N.W. Essex, p. 71. (13.) Essex Naturalist, vol. xvii., p. 117. (14.) "Types of British Vegetation." Tansley. Camb. Univ. Press. (15.) "Notes on a Human Skull found at Wenden, Essex." G. May- nard. Essex Naturalist, vol. xvii., p. 244.