THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 105 was a pupil. Before taking leave Mr. Percy Thompson, in the name of the party, expressed grateful thanks to the Rev. Mother Superior for the privilege of inspection accorded. Returning to the Central Library in the High Street, tea was served shortly after 5 o'clock, following which the Chairman of the District Coun- cil, Councillor W. J. McGuffie, J.P., welcomed the visitors to Waltham- stow in a short speech. Mr. Paulson, on behalf of the Essex Field Club, and Dr. W. Martin on behalf of the Gilbert White Fellowship, expressed the thanks of the visitors to the District Council for its welcome and for its kindly forethought in providing for the comfort of the party in tramway accommodation and the use of the spacious hall in which they were then assembled ; these thanks were heartily accorded by those present. Councillor McGuffie replied, and also the lady chairman of the Library Committee of the Council, expressing their pleasure at being present and their satisfaction that the day's meeting had proved to be so enjoyable. Mr. Percy Thompson proposed the thanks of the party to our conductors and organisers of the meeting, Messrs. Barns and Roebuck; these were heartily given, and Mr. Barns made a suitable reply. The visitors then dispersed. ORDINARY MEETING (544th MEETING) AND ANNUAL MEETING (545th MEETING). SATURDAY, 25TH MARCH, 1922. These meetings were held in the Physical Lecture. Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with the President, Mr. Robert Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., in the chair. 42 members attended. Mr. Hugh Boyd Watt, of 90, Parliament Hill Mansions, Lissenden Gardens, Highgate Road, N.W.5, was elected a member of the Club. Mr. Avery exhibited a series of old prints illustrating the Saffron Walden district. The Curator exhibited a cased specimen of Golden Eagle from Suther- land, also a set-up Canadian Grey Squirrel, from near Glasgow, both from the Museum collections. Mr. Thompson also exhibited a quartzite pebble from Sutton Park, Warwickshire, from the Bunter Pebble Beds, which showed polish due to sand-blast action during desert conditions ; and, for comparison, a quartz- pebble from the desert at Assouan, Egypt, which showed similar surface polishing. The thanks of the meeting were passed to the exhibitors. The business of the annual meeting was then taken. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmed. The Hon. Treasurer presented his statement of accounts for the year ending 31st December, 1921, and moved formally that they be received and adopted. Mr. Drummond seconded. On being put to the meeting the motion was carried nem. eon. The Hon. Secretary read the annual report of the Council for 1921.