106 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. On the President's motion, seconded by Miss Heath, the report was received and adopted nem. con. The Hon. Secretary explained the circumstances which had decided the Council to propose to the annual meeting that the existing rules be amended as follows:— Rule X. to be amended so as, in the case of future members only, to increase the annual subscription to one guinea, with an additional sub- scription of a half-guinea for each additional member of the same family residing in the same house, and willing to receive between them one copy only of the Club's publications; and an entrance fee of 5s. to be imposed upon all new members. A new Rule, No. XV.a, to be made:— "That it shall be within the power of the Council to remove any mem- ber from the list whose annual subscription is more than two years in arrear." On being put to the meeting from the chair, each of the above was adopted without dissentient. No nominations having been handed in other than those made at the meeting held on 25th February last, the President formally declared the persons then nominated to be duly elected as new members of Council and officers for the ensuing year, as follow:— As President, Mr. Robert Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S. As New Members of Council, Mr. A. F. Hogg, Mr. H. Mothersole, Mr- Hugh Main, B.Sc., F.E.S., and Mr. Charles Bestow, F.R.M.S. As Hon. Treasurer, Mr. J. Avery, F.C.A. As Hon. Librarian, Mr. F. J. Brand. As Hon. Secretaries, Messrs. W. Cole, A.L.S., and Percy Thompson, F.L.S. As Hon. Editor, Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S., assisted by Mr. H, Whitehead, B.Sc. As Auditors for 1922-23, Mr. C. Nicholson, F.E.S., and Mrs. C. Whitwell. The members of the Cole Pension Committee were re-appointed for the ensuing year. The President thanked the members for the great honour shown him by his re-election for a third term of office, and promised to do his utmost for the good of the Club in the coming year; he took that opportunity of expressing his thanks to the officers of the Club for their help and co-opera- tion. On taking his seat the President was warmly applauded. Mr. Avery moved a resolution of sympathy with the relatives of our lately-deceased member, Mr. Andrew Johnston; the President seconded; and the resolution was carried in silence nem. con. The President then delivered his presidential address on "Birch Groves of Epping Forest" (see ante, p. 69), which he illustrated by a series of lantern photographs and diagrams, and by specimens. At the conclusion of the address, Miss A. Lorrain Smith moved "That the President be thanked for his address, and that he be asked to allow it to be published in the Club's journal." Mr. Drummond seconded; and, on being put to the meeting, the motion was carried nem. con. with applause. The President thanked the members for their attention, and the proceedings terminated.