130 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Little Owl. Much discussion has taken place as to the character of this (comparatively) new-comer to this country, whether it is or is not guilty of destroying young game-birds, and numbers of the pel- lets which it throws up have been collected and examined with a view to determining this point. Dr. W. E. Collinge48 carried out an exhaustive investigation of 267 pellets of this bird, and of the contents of 194 stomachs, and gives a list showing the great variety of its food. The in- cluded remains were identified as under:— Annelids. Hylesinus fraxini Various earthworms Hepialus lupulinus Wood-lice. Hybernia defoliaria Oniscus asellus Cheimatobia brumata Porcellio scaber Mamestra brassicae Myriopod. Agrotis segetum Polydesmus, sp. Agrotis exclamationis Insects. Triphaena pronuba Earwig Tortrix viridana Unidentified larvae Tipula oleracea Carabus violaceus Tipula paludosa Harpalus, sp. Pachyrhina maculosa Pterostichus madidus Nematus, sp. Pterostichus, sp. Amphibian. Ocypus olens Frog Philonthus, sp. Birds. Silpha opaca House-sparrow Aphodius fimetarius Starling Aphodius, sp. Blackbird Geotrupes stercorarius Missel Thrush Rhizotrogus solstitialis Chaffinch Melolontha vulgaris Greenfinch Phyllopertha horticola Skylark Elater, sp. Wood Pigeon Athous niger Pheasant Athous, sp. Mammals. Agriotes sputator Short-tailed Field Vole Agriotes obscurus Bank Vole Agriotes lineatus Brown Rat Apion, sp. House Mouse Otiorhynchus picipes Long-tailed Field Mouse Otiorhynchus tenebricosus Common Shrew Otiorhynchus sulcatus Mole Sitones, sp. Also a little vegetable matter, such Ceuthorhynchus, sp as grass, leaf fragments, and Hylobius abietis seeds of weeds Scolytus, sp. 48 Journ. of the Ministry of Agriculture, March 1922, p. 1133.