146 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Remains of small insects. Grass, (b) Chignal, 179. 3 H. hispida. 10 hawthorn stones. 4. Blackbird. (x. merula). (a) York, XI. 77. About 6 cereal husks, 1 beetle, (b) 24 xii. 78. 2 haws. Helix hispida. Clausilia rugosa. Grit. (c) Corder's Wood, 28 xii. 78. Helix caperata. About 30 grains of wheat. (d) Portslade, Sussex, 1. 79. 5 Helix hispida. 3 H. rufescens. 2 H. arbustorum. (e) Stackyard, Chignal, 10 1, 79. 6 Helix hispida. 1 Cochlicopa lubrica. 1 grain of corn. Small pellets of husks. Elytra. (f) Chignal, 1. 79. 1 grain of corn. Husks in small pellets. 2 gasteropods (1 Clausilia rugosa, 1 Cochli- copa lubrica). (g) Chignal, VIII. 90. 4 dipterous flies. 5. Wheatear (Saxicola oenanthe). Devil's Dyke, Sussex. Larva of Click beetle. Elytra. 6. Stonechat (Pratincola rubicola). South Downs, near Shoreham, III. 79. Elytra, etc., of small beetles. 7. Robin (Erithacus rubecula). York, xi. 77. Small beetles and other insects. Grass. 8. Common Whitethroat (Sylvia cinerea). Saddlescombe, 6 v. 78. Pellet composed of fragments of small insects, chiefly beetles. 9. Goldcrest (Regulus cristatus). Saffron Walden, xii. 81. A mass of tiny insect remains. 10. Dipper (Cinclus aquaticus). Scotland, ix. 78. Appendages of small crustacean. 11. Great Tit (Parus major). Chelmsford, 2 1. 78. Scale leaves. Insects. 12. Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis). (a) Broomfield, 1. 79. Beetles. Wood lice. 1 Pupa umbilicata. A little vegetable matter. (b) Shoreham (young bird), v. 79. (From pellets at side of nest.) Beetles. 13. Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor). York, xi. 76. Remains of young bird.