NOTES ON THE GIZZARD CONTENTS OF BIRDS. 147 14. Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa grisola). Saddles- combe, v. 78. Remains of small insects. 15. Swallow (Hirundo rustica). Birstwith, 14 xi. 77. Frag- ments of small beetles, etc. Larval skins. 16. Hawfinch (Coccothraustes vulgaris). Lindsell Hall, 1. 81. Seeds and nuts in fragments. 17. House-Sparrow (Passer domesticus). (a) Chelmsford 1. 77. Grain and grit. (b) Chelmsford 11. 78. Grain and grit. One small Helix. (c) (A young bird), viii. 78. Whole wheat grains. Small beetles. No grit. (d) Chignal, xii. 78. Whole wheat grains. Much grit. (e) Beeding & Old Shoreham, Sussex, vi. & vii. 79. Whole grains of wheat. A little grit. A few beetle remains. Enclosed in a separate paper is a mass of parts of beetles. (f) Chesterford. A mass of parts of beetles, etc. (g) Chignal, v. 14. Chiefly corn. A few beetle remains. 18. Cornbunting (Emberiza miliaria). Brighton, x. 78. Seeds and shelly grit. 19. Yellow Bunting (E. citrinella). Chignal, 2 1. 79. 12 grains of wheat and fragments of wheat. 20. Starling (Sturnus vulgaris). (a) York, 1876. 3 Helix caperata. (b) Chelmsford 11. 78. 2 Helix hispida. A mass of beetle remains. (c) Shoreham, v. 78. A mass of small green beetles. (d) Broomfield, xii. 78. 1 Helix rufescens. 1 H. caperata. A few small beetles. Corn—about 8 grains. (e) Stevens, Chignal, 1. 79. Grass husks. (f) (shot on ice) Pengy, 1. 79. 2 Helix rufescens. Much beetle remains. (g) Devil's Dyke, Sussex, iii. 79. 4 Helix hispida. 1 Cochlicopa lubrica. 1 Pupa umbilicata. Beetles. A little seed husk. 21. Jay (Garrulus glandarius). (a) York, x. 76. 10 stones. (b) York, xii. 76. Cereal husks and stones.