NOTES ON THE GIZZARD CONTENTS OF BIRDS. 149 (a) York, x. 76. Geotrupes. (b) York, xi. 77, Greenfinch. 29. Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus). Insects, chiefly grasshoppers. 30. Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Pellets. (a) Beeding Chalk Pit, Sussex, 29 iv. 79. Vole skull and fur. (b) Beeding Chalk Pit, 12 v. 79. Bony plates, rounded scales, vertebrae, etc., of slow worm, with about 1/2 inch of unbroken body. Fur of vole, mouse, bat in a large lump. The small powdery lumps are chiefly composed of the jointed hairs of bats. Thick hairs of rat? The iridescent blue and green elytra of beetles present in abundance. Short, pointed hairs of beetle (?) abundant. A small lizard, with one foot showing 5 toes, with long claws. 2 vole skulls. 1 mammal tail. 1 rat skull. 2 bird skulls. 31. Heron (Ardea cinerea). (a) York, x. 77. A very large number of small larvae of Dytiscus beetle. 1 Water Boatman. Fur of shrew. (b) York, xi. 77. Frog. (c) Chelmsford, I. 78. A mature Dytiscus. Frog. 32. Brent Goose (Bernicla brenta). Chignal, 14 x. 79. Leaves of a vascular plant in quantities of sand. 33. Mallard (Anas boscas). Chelmsford, 1. 78. Frog bones. Earth and small stones. 34. Golden Eye (Clangula glaucion). Battles Bridge, II. 82. Cyclas cornea (Two entire shells and many fragments). 35. Stock Dove (Columba anas). (a) Saddlescombe, v. 78. Crop crammed with ger- minating seeds of Vicia sativa. (b) Chelmsford, 26 xii. 78. Crop crammed with corn. A few of its own feathers. 36. Turtle Dove (Turtur communis). Saddlescombe, v. 78. A large number of the germinating seeds of Vicia sativa. 37. Common Partridge (Perdix cinerea). (a) Chelmsford, iii. 78. Leaves.