150 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. (b) Chelmsford, 26 xii. 78. 1 grain of wheat. Grass. Much grit. 38. French Partridge (Caccabis rufa). (a) Chelmsford, 23 ii. 78. Beetles. Worms. Leaves. Grit. (b) Chelmsford, 26 xii. 78. Grain. Grass. Grit. 39. Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus). Easingwold, xi. 77. (a) Chiefly vegetable remains. Chitinous remains of water larvae. (b) Stevens Garden, xii. 78. Water larvae. Chitin and trachea. 40. Water Hen (Gallinula chloropus). Chelmsford, ii. 78. Plant remains. Stones. 41. Coot (Fulica atra). York, xi. 77. Moss. Duckweed. Other water weeds. Sand. 42. Ring Plover (AEgialitis hiaticula). Norfolk, xi. 76. 4 minute marine gasteropods. 43. Turnstone (Strepsilas interpres). Battles Bridge, ii. 82. Large number of tiny oysters. 44. Grey Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius). Riccal Cove, York, x. 77. Beetles. Isopods (appendages). 45. Jack Snipe (Gallinago gallinula). Chelmsford, i. 77. Beetle. Worm. Grass. 46. Purple Sandpiper (Tringa striata). Norfolk, 1876. 2 broken shells, 4 stones. 47. Common Sandpiper (Totanus hypoleucas). York, x. 77. Fragments of Crustacea (sand hoppers). 48. Wood Sandpiper (Totanus glareola). York, xii. 77. Appendages of Crustacea (sand hoppers). 49. Green Sandpiper (Totanus ochropus). York, 1878. Small mollusca. Sand. 50. Dabchick (Podiceps fluviatilis). York, x. 76. Water Boatman and other aquatic insects. Otter at Hockley.—Mr. F. W. Frohawk, in the Field for Sept. 9th, 1922, records the capture of a fine adult male otter at Hockley on July 26th, 1922; it measured from tip of nose to end of tail 481/2 inches, and weighed 243/4lbs.