THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 157 A call was made at Wimbish to inspect the Church, with its charming though mutilated cross brass to Sir John de Wantone and his lady (1347), and the plaster work of the Hall, and then a short run brought the party to Thaxted, quite ready to enjoy the excellent lunch provided at the Swan Hotel. After lunch Thaxted Church was visited under the guidance of the Vicar, the Rev. Conrad Noel, who conducted the party over the sacred edifice. Afterwards an hour was spent in visiting the Moot Hall, the almshouses and other places of interest in this quaint old Essex Town. At. 3.45 the party returned to Walden, a short halt being made at Cole End to visit a typical oak-ash Boulder Clay wood and to obtain specimens of Primula elatior. Walden was reached in a hailstorm at 4 30, and, after afternoon tea, the bulk of the party departed by the 6 o'clock train for London, VISIT TO THE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW (547TH MEETING). SATURDAY, 20TH MAY, 1922. The perfect weather of a long-desired spring day tempted some 55 mem- bers and friends to join this excursion, which was designed to exhibit the Gardens at their best season ("bluebell time"); the recently-retired Director, our honorary member, Sir David Prain, C.M.G., C.I.E., F.R.S., etc., and Mr. William Dallimore, one of the head assistants in the Gardens, kindly acted as cicerones. The party assembled at the Victoria Gate entrance at 2 30 o'clock, and was met by our conductors, each of whom took a section of the visitors in his charge, following approximately the same route, but in opposite direc- tions to avoid confusion. The section led by Sir David Prain, visited in succession the Palm House, the Orchid Houses, the Economic Houses, Water Lily House, Museum No. IV., thence through a portion of the Arboretum and the Rhododendron Walk to the Queen's Cottage Grounds (which were a wonderful sight with wild bluebells, just at their best), and thence to the Japanese Gateway and Temperate House. Both sections made a rendezvous of the neighbourhood of the Flagstaff and together proceeded to the Refreshment Pavilion, where, after some delay, owing to the thousands of visitors who were similarly occupied, tea was taken al fresco. A formal meeting of the Club was held here, at which two certificates of nomination for membership were read by the Honorary Secretary, and the opportunity was taken to thank our conductors for their kindly services. The party then dissolved into its constituent parts, and individual visits to the Rock Garden, the Aquatic Garden, and other points of special attrac- tion, were made until the near approach of closing time and "the end of a perfect day." SPRING FOREST RAMBLE, WALTHAMSTOW AND WOODFORD (548TH MEETING). SATURDAY, 27TH MAY, 1922. A nature ramble had been arranged for the above afternoon through the Walthamstow and Woodford portions of Epping Forest, when also the