208 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. "I have a just and great esteem and to whom I owe "particular acknowledgments for many signall favours "received from him. "At St. Johns Gi. Sarum." "20th Decr. "17ii. John Warner, junr., seems to have been sent to Harrow, since a copy of Danet's Dictionary of Antiquities, 1700, at Ids- worth, has scribbled in it, "E libris Johannis Warner ex dono "Revd. Viri Thomae Brian Praeceptor ejus in Rudimentis Linguae "Latinae. Sept. 10th 1711," "Sum e libris J. Warneri "scholae Harroensis," and "E. libris Roberti Warner ex dono "Jo. Warner Junior. August ye 14." In his will, dated 1721, John Warner, senior, speaks of Robert as his eldest son, and on his book-plate Richard blazons the crescent as the "difference" for a second son. The father must have died either in 1721 or 1722, since in the latter year his widow purchased'' Harts," the houseat Woodford in which her son Richard passed the remainder of his life. Though merely styled Goldsmith by Burnet and not known to Mr. F. G. H. Price2 as having kept running cashes, John Warner is called Banker on his son Richard's tomb at Woodford, and Nichols mentions3 an "old Mr. Thomas Snow, the first Banker of the ''name in the Strand (who succeeded, I think, an old gentle- "man of the name of Warner in the House)." He purchased property in Clerkenwell, which he devised with all his real estate to his son Robert. The history of this property is perhaps worth giving in detail. In 1696 Robert Harvey sold his estate in Clerkenwell, containing two ancient conduits, for £1,650 to John Henley and Walter Baynes. John Henley disposed of his moiety to John Warner, and Walter Baynes having turned one of the conduits into a cold bath, his moiety was purchased in 1736 by Robert Warner for £1,900. Robert Warner "leaving an only child ''named Kitty, then married to Jervoise Clarke Jervoise, Esq., "this gentleman, by the courtesy of England, became tenant "of the entirety of the premises on the birth of his eldest son, "Thomas Clarke Jervoise esq., who died in December 1809 2 F. G. Hilton Price, Handbook of London Bankers, 1876. 3 Literary Ancedotes, ix., p. 642.