THE VANGE MINERAL WATER. 225 responding sodium and potassium salts. They are found both near the surface and throughout the clay to its base. The deep wells or bores are nearly all abandoned, but some are still to be found about Mundon, Althorne, Stow Maries, and Bulphan. At the last named place the water contains also a considerable amount of common salt. Two wells may be sunk in the same parish, yet the waters be markedly different. A single example will suffice. In the parish of Althorne are two wells about a mile apart. In both the water is derived from the basement-bed of the London Clay which formation here is about 300 feet thick. These waters were both sulphated, but differed considerably, as the following analyses show :— Within a mile the same stratum yields a water which contains no trace of calcium or magnesium sulphates and comparatively small quantities of sodium sulphate. A bored well near Wick House, on Bulphan Fen, gave the following results—in parts per 100,000. These deep well-waters have never been used medicinally, but in past times shallow well-waters, rich in sulphates, have acquired a reputation, notably at South Weald, Upminster, and Hockley. The following analyses of these waters are taken