226 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. from "The Mineral Waters and Medicinal Springs of Essex," by Miller Christy and May Thresh. The Hockley water maintained its reputation for some time, but it cannot be compared with the Vange water since it contains no alkaline sulphates and much less magnesium sulphate. The true Vange water from Mr. Cash's well is undoubtedly a strongly sulphated water, and it is much more concentrated than the other Essex waters now being sold as Vange water. The analysis of the water contained in a sealed bottle purchased by me at the well, and of a bottle purchased from a local chemist's, show the difference between them. The second sample is apparently Hockley water. It con- tains no sulphates of the alkalies and less than one-third of the magnesium sulphate contained in the real Vange water. It is obvious that as a sulphated water the Vange water is far superior to the other. * Water of hydration removed by drying at +200 C.