232 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. ORDINARY MEETING (555TH MEETING). SATURDAY, 25TH NOVEMBER, 1922. The second Winter Meeting was held as usual in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with the Presi- dent, Mr. R. Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., in the chair. Thirty-five members were present. Dr. Arthur Smith Woodward, F.R.S., Presdt. L.S., etc., of 4, Scarsdale Villas, Kensington, W. 8, was elected an Ordinary Member of the Club. Mr. P. Horn exhibited and presented to the Museum a coloured model in plaster, of a huge Common Toad (Bufo vulgaris), from a specimen brought from Southern France by Mr. Hugh Main ; and explained his method of modelling. Mr. Hugh Main exhibited and presented a living Gecko which had been found in a crate of bananas opened at Woodford ; he also exhibited, on behalf of Miss Evitt, some large foreign ants which had been found running over some bananas. The Curator exhibited and described two specimens of Badhamia utricu- laris which had been very successfully grown by Miss Greaves in the Club's Museum during several weeks, and which exhibited several stages in the life-cycle of this Mycetozoan. Miss Lister added some details on the life- history of the species. Mr. Thompson also exhibited a set of 168 coloured drawings of British Wild and garden plants, which had been presented to the museum by Capt. Crawford, R.N. Mr. Avery exhibited and described a series of old prints, including some of "Belhus," Aveley ; as this property has recently been sold to a syndicate, and may probably be demolished in the near future, the exhibit was very seasonable. The Curator directed attention to the special exhibit, in the Museum, of photographs of the Saffron Walden district taken by our members, Messrs. Daymond and Nunn, during the Club's visit there last Easter, and presented by them to the Club. The thanks of the Meeting were passed to the various donors and ex- hibitors. Mr. Whitaker made his report as Club's Delegate to the Conference of Delegates of Corresponding Societies at the British Association Meeting at Hull in September last, and was cordially thanked for same. Miss G. Lister read a paper "On a New Species of Didymium occurring in Essex," and exhibited and presented to the Museum the type-specimen of this new Mycetozoan, which she proposed to call Didymium trachysporum. Mr. Percy Thompson read a paper entitled "Bird Pellets and their Evidence as to the Food of Birds" (printed ante., p. 115), and exhibited the Club's Museum collection of pellets in illustration thereof. Miss Hibbert-Ware read her "Notes on the Gizzard Contents of Birds collected by Mr. Miller Christy," now in the Club's Museum, and illus- trated her remarks by a series of lantern photographs (see ante., pp. 142). In the course of the discussion which followed the reading of the last two papers, Miss G. Lister mentioned that she possessed an owl's pellet from a wood near Hitchin, which contained the skeleton of a Noctule Bat ; and exhibited it.