THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 241 Ceratodon purpureus. (Brid.) Dicranella heteromalla. (Schp.) Campylopus pyriformis. (Brid.) Dicranum scoparium. (Hedw.) Leucobryum glaucum. (Schp.) Fissidens bryoides. (Hedw.) F. taxifolius (do.) Grimmia pulvinata. (Smith.) Tortula muralis. (Hedw.) Barbula rubella. (Mitt.) B. convoluta. (Hedw.) var. Sardoa. (B. & S.) Orthotrichum diaphanum. (Schrad.) Funaria hygrometrica. (Sibth.) Aulacomnium palustre. (Schwaeg.) A. androgynum. (do.) Bartramia pomiformis. (Hedw.) Webera nutans. (Hedw.) Webera proligera. (Bryhn.) Bryum caespiticium. (L.) B. capillare. (L.) B. erythrocarpum. (Schwaeg.) B. argenteum. (L.) Mnium affine (Bland) var. rugicum. (B. & S.) M. rostratum. (Schrad.) M. undulatum. (L.) M, hornum. (L.) M. punctatum (L.) Camptothecium sericeum. (Kindb.) Brachythecium albicans. (B. & S.). B. rutabulum. (do.) B. velutinum. (do.) B. purum. (Dixon.) Eurhynchium praelongum. (Hobkirk.). Plagiothecium elegans. (Sull.) P. denticulatum. (B. & S.). P. silvaticum. (do.) P. undulatum. (do.) Amblystegium serpens. (do.) Hypnum cupressiforme. (L.) Ditto var. resupinatum. (Schp.) Ditto var. ericetorum. (B. & S.) H. cordifolium. (Hedw.) H. cuspidatum. (Lindb.) H. Schreberi. (Will'd.) Hylocomium suqarrosum. (B. & S.) HEPATICS. Marchantia polymorpha. (L.) Male and female plants, with gemmae- cups. Metzgeria furcata. (L.) Dum. Pellia epiphylla. (L.) Corda. Aplozia crenulata. Gymnocolea inflata. (Huds.) Dum. Lophozia ventricosa. (Dicks.) Dum. Lophocolea bidentata. (L.) Dum. A. heterophylla. (Schrad.) Dum. (c. fr.) Cephalozia bicuspidata. (L.) Dum. Calypogeia Trichomanes. (L.) Corda. C. fissa (L.) Raddi. Lepidozia reptans. (L.) Dum. Diplophyllum albicans. (L.) Dum. Of these, the most interesting are Barbula convoluta var. Sardoa, which. was found on a brick wall-top in Theydon Bois village, Webera proligera, Mnium affine var. rugicum and Calypogeia fissa, all of which are vouched for by our conductors, Messrs. St. John Marriott and W. R. Sherrin; the Mnium: appears to be a new record for Essex. THE 561ST ORDINARY MEETING AND THE ANNUAL MEETING (561ST AND 562ND MEETINGS). SATURDAY, 24TH MARCH, 1923. These Meetings were held in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, at three o'clock on the above afternoon, Mr. Robert Paulson, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., president, in the chair. Fifty-five members attended. Miss L. M. Bateman, of 38, Church Hill Road, Walthamstow, E.17, and Dr. W. A. Bullough, M.B., M.Sc., D.P.H., of 26, High Street, Chelmsford,. were elected members of the Club.