242 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Mr. Avery exhibited a series of over 40 original water-colour drawings of the monuments in Barking, East Ham and West Ham churches, recently purchased by him at the sale of the famous Gardner collection at Messrs. Sotheby's. The business of the Annual Meeting was then taken. After the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting had been duly confirmed, the Hon. Secretary read the report of the Council for 1922-23. Miss A. Lorrain Smith moved that the Report be received and adopted ; Mr. Boyd Watt seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously. The Hon. Treasurer presented his statement of the Club's accounts for 1922, and moved formally that the accounts be received. Mr. Barns seconded. Carried nem con. The Hon. Secretary reported that no other nominations had been received beyond those made at the meeting on February 24th, for the several offices of the Club. The President accordingly declared the persons then nomin- ated as duly elected, viz.:— President, Dr. Arthur Smith Woodward, F.R.S., Pres.L.S., F.G.S., F.Z.S., Hon. Treasurer, Mr. John Avery, F.C.A. Hon. Librarian, Mr. F. J. Brand. Hon. Secretary, Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S. Hon. Editor, Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S. Hon. Asst. Curator at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Miss V. Oxley. Hon. Auditors, Mr. C. Nicholson and Mrs. C. Whitwell. The members of the Cole Committee were re-elected for another year. The meeting then proceeded to ballot for new members of Council, the President appointing Mr. Colney Campbell and Miss E. Evitt as scrutineers, who proceeded to count the votes. Before leaving the chair the President referred to the work of the Club during his term of office, and showed that the ideas of the Founder of the Club were still being loyally carried on. Mr. Paulson then resigned the chair to the new President, Dr. A. Smith Woodward, who was warmly applauded on taking his seat. On behalf of the general body of members, Mr. Whitaker thanked the retiring President for the work he had done for the Club during the past three years, and proposed a hearty vote of thanks to him; Mr. Hazzledine Warren seconded the motion, which was carried by acclamation. The Retiring President then read his address on "The Fungus-root (Mycorrhiza) of the Birch and other Trees," which he illustrated by various coloured lantern-photographs and by the exhibition of specimens. At the conclusion of the address the new President called upon Miss Lorrain Smith, who moved that the thanks of the Club be given to the retiring President, and that he be requested to allow his address to be published in the Club's journal. Mr. Avery seconded the motion, which was carried nem. con. with applause. The President then read a certificate signed by the two scrutineers, giving the result of the ballot for new Members of Council, and he declared the fol- lowing to have been duly elected, viz. :—Mrs. J. E. Scourfield, Dr. F. M. Turner, Mr. J. M. Wood, Miss E. Prince, Mr. Frank Lambert and Mr. W. H. Daun. The meeting was then declared at an end.