THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 243 ESSEX FIELD CLUB. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR 1922-23. Presented to the Annual Meeting on 24th March, 1923. Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Council has pleasure in reporting that the work of the Club has progressed steadily and satisfactorily during the past year, and the attend- ances both at the indoor and field meetings have been well maintained. In addition to the usual five winter meetings at Stratford, eleven field meet- ings and visits to museums have been held ; we have to thank Mr. and Mrs. Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Buxton, Mr. and Mrs. Keeves, Mr. and Mrs. G. Morris, and the Librarian to the Leyton District Council for kindly hospitality extended on these occasions. We have to deplore the loss by death of several eminent Members since our last annual meeting. Professor G. S. Boulger and Mr. Thomas Vincent Holmes, both past presidents of our Club, Mr. Thomas W. Reader, a valued Member of Council, and last, but not least, our founder, Mr. William Cole, have all left us during the year. As regards our founder, your Council pro- poses to provide a suitable memorial to his memory with monies in its con- trol, being the balance of subscriptions made to the deceased's Pension Fund. The present membership of the Club stands at 310, consisting of 17 honorary and 293 ordinary members. During the year a change has taken place in the personnel of the Strat- ford Museum. Mr. Hardy, the capable and energetic assistant, has resigned on leaving for Canada, and a successor, Mr. Frank Jane, has just been appointed. Structural alterations to the Curator's room and Library have just been necessitated by an extension of the adjoining College. Many accessions have been made to the collections during the past twelve months ; especially noteworthy among these is the fine collection of British Lepidoptera bequeathed by the late Mr. William Cole, and a large number of books, comprising 43 bound volumes and 7 pamphlets, pre- sented by the executor of the late Mr. T. V. Holmes. The Library now includes some 4758 bound volumes : 87 volumes have been bound during the past year, and 20 others rebound or repaired. Our Pictorial Survey of the County is growing apace in Miss Greaves' capable hands. Apart from a large amount of material which has not yet been mounted, no less than 749 prints or watercolour drawings, 821 photo- graphs, besides picture postcards, maps and other illustrations, totalling in all over 2,100 items, are included in the mounted collection of Essex pictorial records. Messrs. Daymond and Nunn have been generous donors to the photographic section. In response to a request made by the organisers of a special Stratford "Education Week" in June last, the Club co-operated by arranging special exhibitions and lectures at the Museum and conducted nature-rambles in Epping Forest : and received the thanks of the promoters lor the help so afforded. The Club's museum at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Chingford, has been cared for by the recent appointment of Miss Vera Oxley as honorary assistant curator.