246 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Woodfordienses), thanking him especially for his care of the testator's health, he being obviously his medical attendant. As to these bequests it may be noted that the book plate alluded to bears the arms before described with the crescent as difference for a second son, a horse's head ermine to dexter as crest, on an esquire's helmet to dexter, and the owner's name : that the Wadham endowment now consists of £343 : 5 : 7 Consols, Fig. 1.—Richard Warner's Bookplate. producing £10 : 5 : 11 annually, which, Mr. Thorley informs me, is by a statute of the late University Commissioners merged in a general Exhibition Fund : and that Nichols was misinformed when he wrote (loc. cit.), "If I am not misinformed, he left to the same Society a small annual stipend to maintain a botanical lecture." Among the books at Wadham College are two volumes labelled Hortus siccus, but their contents are meagre, unnamed and