THE BIRDS OF THE BLACKWATER VALLEY. 263 can be no doubt that both occur, as I identified the Rock Pipit at Maldon 27/12/21 and at Tollesbury 14/10/22, but I am of opinion that the Meadow is much more abundant than the other Pipit. Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava rayi (Bp.)). Well repre- sented. First date 14/4/22, last date 10/9/22. Willow-Wren (Phylloscopus t. trochilus (L.)). Heard singing among the warblers along the sea-wall, 14/4/22, probably just arrived. Wheatear (Oenanthe o. oenanthe (L.)). Well represented. First date 14/4/22, last date 15/10/22. Stonechat (Saxicola torquata rubicola (L.)). A very local species. Tollesbury 14 and 16/10/22 and Goldhanger 15/10/22. Redstart (Phoenicurus p. phoenicurus (L.)). Several seen be- tween St. Peter's and Ramsey Island from 14 to 17/4/22. No doubt these birds were newly arrived and would soon move off. Swallow (Hirundo r. rustica (L.)). At no time numerous. First date 14/4/22, last date 14/10/22, when a single bird was seen at Tollesbury. Martin (Delichon u. urbica (L.)). 13/8/22, 10/9/22 and 4/8/23. Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis ispida (L.)). Identified on the estuary in Jan., Feb., Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec- Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dryobates major anglicus (Hart.)). In the copse near Mundon Church 22/10/22, 19/11/22 and 11/2/23. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Dryobates minor comminutus (Hart.)). In the copse near Mundon Church 4/2/23. Short-eared Owl (Asio f. flammeus (Pontopp.)). We had a first rate view of one on the sea-wall south of St. Peters 14/4/22. The owl came flying along the wall low down and straight towards us, when close to us the only alteration it made in its flight was to swerve outwards to the sea which improved our view. Little Owl (Athene noctua mira (With.)). Identified at Maldon, Dengie, Bradwell, Goldhanger, Mundon and Steeple. We had an interesting experience with one of this species near Bradwell. We came upon this bird sitting in a tree a few feet above our heads and although we spent some time watching it the bird did not move. Tawny Owl (Strix aluco sylvatica Shaw). Witham 27/12/21. Tollesbury, 14/10/22. Barn Owl (Tyto a. alba (Scop.)). Bradwell, 14 and 16/4/22 ;