264 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. on both these days an owl, presumably the same bird, was seen hunting the slopes of the sea-wall with daylight at its height. It seemed almost regardless of our presence, in passing us it merely rose slightly in the air, on one occasion when it dropped to the ground it allowed us to walk within a few yards of it. Mundon. 22/10/22, one flew from one of the old trees near the church, screeching as it did so. Peregrine (Falco p. peregrinus Tunst.). One observed on the Old Hall Marshes, 14/10/22. While I was watching this handsome bird through a high power telescope, from the top of the wall, I was disturbed by the keeper who, when I informed him that I was watching a Peregrine, replied that it was quite likely as this species occasionally frequented the marsh. Sparrow-Hawk (Accipiter n. nisus (L.)). Globe Outfall, 5/8/23, one being chased by several Turtle Doves. Grey Heron (Ardea c. cinerea L.). Observed on all visits, often in small parties. Brent Goose (Branta b. bernicla (L.)). A party of 200 was observed off St. Peters, 16/4/22. Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna (L.)). Occasional birds were observed in Jan., Feb., March, Aug., Oct. and Nov. During the visit to Bradwell from 13 to 17 April the Shelduck was really numerous, parties up to 21 being noted. Probably some of these birds were on migration. Teal (Anas c. crecca L.). Ramsey Island, 13/8/22 ten. Gold- hanger, 15/10/22, party. Old Hall Marshes, 16/10/22, one or two parties. Wigeon (Anas penelope L.). Old Hall Marshes, 14/10/22, twenty-five, 16/10/22, sixteen. Pochard (Nyroca f. ferina (L.)). Ramsey Island, 17/4/22, two ; 13/8/22, twelve. Tufted Duck (Nyroca fuligula (L.)). Old Hall Marshes, 16/10/22, one. Scaup Duck (Nyroca m. marila (L.)). Lawling Creek, 5/2/22, 6-8 male and female ; 5/3/22, one female. Goldeneye (Bucephala c. clangula (L.)). Mayland Creek, n/2/23, a party of under a dozen with one or more mature males. Velvet Scoter (Oidemia f. fusca (L.)). Several between Bradwell and St. Peters, 14 and 16/4/22. Lawling Creek, 19/11/22 one, 4/2/23 one or two.