266 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. flock of birds is impossible so that our figure of 10,000 must be taken as an index of the impression that was made on our minds at the time. So vast was this congregation that when it was first seen in the distance it did not occur to us that we were look- ing at birds but at a cloud or bank of mist. We marvelled at the homogeneous movements of this great mass of birds. At times parties would break away and sweep across the sea in a northerly direction as though on migration but these must have been trial trips as these detachments always returned to the main body. Maldon, 19/11/22 several with Lapwings. May- land Creek, 4/2/23 large flock. Grey Plover (Squatarola s. squatarola (L.)). Tollesbury, two small flocks on the mud, 14/10/22 fifteen, 16/10/22 seven. Dunlin (Calidris a. alpina (L.). Seen in parties of varying sizes, some containing hundreds, in Jan., Feb., March, April and Oct. It was noticeable that in April some individuals had partly assumed the breeding plumage, and that some still retained it at the beginning of August. Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus L.). Globe Outfall, 5/8/23. Common Sandpiper (Tringa hypoleucos L.). Ramsey Island, 13/8/22 three ; Lawling Creek, 10/9/22 one ; Globe Out- fail 5/8/23 two. Curlew (Numenius a. arquata (L.) ). Abundant, seen on all visits, Whimbrel (Numenius p. phaeopus (L.) ). Near St. Peters, 16/4/22 one. Between Bradwell and Ramsey Island, 13/8/22 numerous. Bradwell, 4/8/23 numerous. Snipe (Capella g. gallinago (L.) ). Bradwell, 15/4/22 one. Mayland Creek, 22/10/22 one, 4/2/23 seventeen, 11/2/23 several. Common Tern (Sterna h. hirundo L.). Several to the east of Bradwell, 5/8/23. Little Tern (Sterna a. albifrons Pall.). One near Bradwell, 15/4/22 and one or two 5/8/23. Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus L.). Occasional birds seen in April, Aug. and Oct. Unusually numerous at the beginning of August, 1923. Herring Gull (Larus a. argentatus Pontopp.). Identified in Jan., Feb., Aug., Oct. and Dec. Always much less numerous than the Common or Black-headed.