v. Monotropa Hypopitys, Epping Forest, 109. Moon, Z., conducts visit to Leyton, 236. Morris, G., Cam Valley Neolithic sites, 49 ; conducts Saffron Walden excursion, 151. Moss hunt, Epping Forest, 240. Mothersole, H., presents Baleen of Rorqual, from R. Crouch, 1891, 94. Myxomycetes, 42, 87, 163, 165, 230, 286. Neolithic Sites, Cam Valley, 49. New Essex Mosses : Webera pro- ligera Bryhn, SS ; Mnium affine, var, rugicum, B. & S., 341 New species, Didymium trachy- sporum, Lister, 113, 232. Newton, E. T., presents leg of Deer, articulated, 97. Nichols, W. B., presents Roller from Ramsey, 86. Nicholson, C, Rosy-marbled moth, 29 ; wasps, 109 ; pre- sents a Geaster, 239. Ockendon, Coy's Garden, 109. Ongar, Yellow-necked Wood Mouse, 89. Onopordon acanthium, Pitsea, 279. Ophioglossum vulgatum and Orchis morio, Vange, 279. Otter, Hockley, 150. Owen, J. H., presents Little Grebe choked by Bullhead, 97 ; Great Crested Grebe, 240 ; Sparrow- hawk, 240. Owl, Little, pellets, 34 ; young, presented, 283. Paludestrina Jenkinsi at Grays in freshwater, 45. Parndon, club excursion, 281. Paulson, R., conducts Grays excur- sion, 37 ; Theydon Garnon and Abridge excursion, 39 ; Birch Groves, Epping Forest (Presi- dent's Address), 69 ; referee in Cryptogamic forays, 87, 230 ; Hutton excursion, 162 ; Fungus Root (Mycorrhiza), Presid. Addr., 177 ; lichen growth, 231 ; lichen distribution, 235. Pearson, A. A., referee in fungus forays, 164, 285. Pitsea, club excursion, 278. Plaice, young, protective colour, 86. Planarians, 1. Powers, H., exhibits chrysalids of Convolvulus Hawkmoth, 87. Prain, Sir David, conducts dub in Kew Gardens, 157. Prince, E., presents Geaster Bryantii, 229. Ramsbottom, J., referee in fungus forays, 41, 164, 285. Ramsey, Roller, 86. Redwing, night cry of, 251. Reviews : Prof. Gregory, Evolu- tion of Essex Rivers and Lower Thames, 112 ; W. G. Benham, Guide to Colchester, Ed. xv., 166. Ring Ousel, Bocking, 47. Rochford, Waxwing, 45. Roller, Ramsey, 86. Romford, pied Blackbird, 45. Rorqual 111 Crouch, 1891, Baleen presented, 94. Roydon, club excursion, 281. Saffron Walden, club excursion, 151. Salt-marsh fauna and flora, Canvey Island, 285. Scorpions, living, exhibited, 87, 229. Scourfield, D. J., conducts They- don Garnon and Abridge excur- sion, 39; Logarithmic Spiral, 90. Seabrook, J., The Nile, 87. Sewardstone, club excursion, 34 ; grass and sedge foray, 282. Seymour, Rev. I. L., conducts visit to Walden, 280. Shearwater, Levantine, in club Museum, 45. Shenfield, club excursion, 38. Sherrin, W. R., referee, Crypto- gamic forays, 87, 230 ; moss hunt, 240. Shrew, Pygmy, 240. Skua (Arctic), Bradfield, 109. Smew, Walthamstow, 109. Smith, A. L., referee in fungus forays, 41, 164 ; in Cryptogamic forays, 87, 230 ; lichen growth, 231. Southby, Miss, presents plants and seaweeds, 235. Sparrowhawk, 21. Spiral, logarithmic, in Nature, 90. Squirrel, American Grey, 189; Ep- ping Forest, 205. Stubbs, F. J., Squirrels, Epping Forest, 205 ; the night cry of the Redwing, 251.