vi. Theydon Garnon, club excursion, 39. Thomas, R. E., entertains club at Beeleigh Abbey, 280. Thompson, P., conducts Grays excursion, 37 ; Theydon Garnon and Abridge excursion, 39 ; Waxwing at Rochford, 45 ; Levantine Shearwater, 45 ; Yel- lowshank at West Mersea, 46 ; Meldola Medal, 48, 108 ; "Fire- brats" at West Ham, 85 ; Smew at Walthamstow, 109 ; Black- necked Grebe at Bradwell, 109 ; Coy's Garden, N. Ockendon, 109 ; Bird Pellets, 115 ; Meteor- ite, at Ashdon, 205; lichen growth, 231 ; Badhamia utricularis, 232 ; exhibits Edward Forster's note- books, 240 ; bird sanctuary, Lea Valley Reservoirs, 244 ; Edward Forster, annotations in Turner and Dillwyn's Botanist's Guide, 1805, 244 ; On a third Annotated Copy of Richard Warner's Plantin Woodfordienses, 268 ; referee in Canvey Island excursion, 285. Thresh, J. C, Vange Mineral Water, 224, 278. Trapdoor Spider, 23, 89. Tricladida, 1. Vange Mineral Wells, 221 ; Mineral Water, 224 ; club excursion, 278. Wakefield, E., referee in fungus forays, 41, 164, 285. Walthamstow, birds, 47, 218 ; Red- throated Diver, 86 ; club excur- sions, 100, 157 ; Smew, 109. Warley Place, club excursion, 276, Warner, Richard, 1711—1775 (biography), 20b, 245-247 ; references by P. Kalm, 248 ; letter to Linnaeus, 1758, 250 ; Third Annotated Copy of Plantis Woodfordienses, 268. Warren, H., flint knapping in Norfolk, 89. Wasps, 109. Watt, H. B., American Grey Squirrel, 189. Waxwing, Rochford, 45. Webera proligera, new to Essex, 88, 241. Weeley, Core from 1163', presented, 86. West Ham "fire brats," 85. Wheat dib from Aveley, presented, 86. Whitaker, W, presents slate boring-core, Weeley, 1163', 86 ; Vange Mineral Wells, 221, 278. Whitehead, H., British Fresh- water Planarians, 1. Willmott, E., Mrs. Berkeley, of Spetchley, 219 ; receives club at Warley Place, 276. Woodford, abnormal horse-chest- nuts, 86 ; club excursion, 157. Wood Mouse, Yellow-necked, from Ongar, presented, 89. Yellow Birdsnest, Epping Forest, 109. Yellowshank, West Mersea, 46.