vii. LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate I. (Frontispiece). British Freshwater Planarians, facing p. 1. Plate II. Atypus affinis, tube of, facing p. 24. Plate III. Jabez Legg, facing p. 43. Yellowshank, Totanus flavipes, from West Mersea, p. 46. Meldola Medal for Chemical Re- search, p. 48. Sketch Map of the Upper Valley of the Cam, p. 32. Plate IV. Synthetic Diagrams of the Cam Valley, facing p. 54. Plate V. Neolithic Implements from the Valley of the Essex Cam, facing p. 68. Diagram to illustrate soil-constit- uents, p. 75. Plate VI. Developing Seedlings of Birch, Birch Tree at High- beach, facing p. 76. Plate VII. Birch Groves in Epping Forest, facing p. 76. Plate VIII. Birch Groves in Ep- ping Forest, facing p. 78. Plate IX. Didymium trachy- sporum, facing p. 113. Plate X. William Cole, A.L.S., F.E.S., 1844-1922, facing p. 167. Plate XI. Roots of Birch, showing mycorrhiza, Transverse section of mycorrhiza of birch, facing p. 177. Plate XII. Inner portion of mantle. Portion of winged fruit of Birch, facing p. 184. Plate XIII. Germinating seed of Birch. Two portions of hypo- cotyl from ditto, facing p. 184. Plate XIV. Flower Border at Warley Lea, facing p. 219. Richard Warner's Bookplate, p. 246. Plate XV. Specimen page from Warner's Planter Woodford- ienses, with annotations by T. F. Forster and William Pamplin, facing p. 271. Plate XVI. Facsimile of Letter from T. F. Forster to Dr. Smith, facing p. 273. [The Editor wishes to express his indebtedness to Mr. W. H. Dalton, F.G.S., for his kindness in preparing this Index.]