18 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Miss Maud Milroy, of 14, Gurney Road, Stratford, E.15, was elected a member. Mr. Avery exhibited a series of 33 Essex prints from his collection. He also exhibited a "fore-edged painted book," an Irish prayer-book published in Dublin in 1795, which had a view of Audley End House painted on its edge. Mr. Avery further exhibited a Map of Hatfield Forest, a portion of which had recently been purchased by the late Mr. E. N. Buxton for the use of the public. Mr. Hugh Main exhibited, and presented to the Museum, some speci- mens of the Earth-star, Geaster Bryantii, found last November near Hastings. The Curator exhibited some additional view.5 of Essex Windmills and Watermills from the Club's Pictorial Survey collection ; also a collection of Neolithic implements from the Cam Valley in N.W. Essex, which had recently been presented to the Club's Museum by Mr. George Morris. Mr. Thompson further exhibited an old Essex cheese-press, just pre- sented to the Museum by Mr. Hastings Worrin, of Little Dunmow, and, to complete same, a "moate," presented by Mr. Mothersole. In con- nection with these exhibits, Mr. Miller Christy gave a brief history of cheese-making in Essex. The thanks of the meeting were accorded to the exhibitors and donors Mr. Mothersole read a paper, "Some Observations on the Leal-Cutting Bee," and exhibited in illustration some lantern-photographs and the apparatus he employed for observation of the bees at work on their cells (see post, p. 27). The thanks of the meeting were voted to Mr. Mothersole. The President next called upon Mr. S. Hazzledine Warren, who read a communication on "The Elephant-Bid at Clacton-on-Sea," which he illustrated by a series of lantern-photographs, and by the exhibition of specimens from the Elephant-bed in the Club's Museum (see post. p. 32). In proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. Warren for his paper, the President spoke appreciatively of his careful work along the Essex coast, and referred to some of his important discoveries, such as the unique jaw of a foetal Elephas antiquus, from the bed in question. Thanks were warmly accorded to the author. ORDINARY MEETING (576th MEETING). SATURDAY, 23RD FEBRUARY, 1924. The Fourth Winter Meeting was held as usual in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with the President, Dr. A. Smith Woodward, F.R.S., etc., in the chair. Fifty-five members and visitors were present. Miss Rita H. Dutton, of Alexandra College, Westcliff-on-Sea, and Mr. James Wilson, of Cotswoldbury, Glengall Road, Woodford Green, were elected Members of the Club. In anticipation of the Annual Meeting, nominations were invited to fill vacancies on the Council. Four existing members were due to retire