22 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Mr. F. H. Headley, of 86, Balfour Road, Ilford, and Mr. W. D. Rey- nolds, of 14, Snakes Lane, Woodford Green, were elected members of the Club. Mr. Avery, in view of the forthcoming field-meeting at Waltham, ex- hibited some fifty prints and illustrations of Waltham Abbey. The business of the Annual Meeting was then proceeded with. The Minutes of the last Annual Meeting having been read and confirmed, the Hon. Treasurer presented his statement of the Club's accounts for 1923. and moved that the same be adopted. Mr. Batchelor seconded, and the motion was carried nem. con. The Hon. Secretary read the Report of the Council for the past year. Mr. Barns moved that the Report be received and adopted, Miss Wyness seconded. Carried unanimously. The Hon. Secretary reported that no other nominations had been received beyond those made on 23rd February, for the several offices of the Club. The President accordingly declared the persons then nomina- ted to be duly elected, as follows :— President, Dr. Arthur Smith Woodward, F.R.S., Past President L.S., F.G.S., F.Z.S. Hon. Treasurer, Mr. John Avery, F.C.A. Hon. Librarian, Mr. F. J. Brand. Hon. Secretary, Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S. Hon. Editor, Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S. Hon. Assistant Curator at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Miss Vera Oxley.. Hon. Auditors, Mr. C. Nicholson and Mrs C. Whitwell. No further nominations having been received for the six vacant seats on the Council, beyond those made on 23rd February, the President de- clared the persons then nominated as duly elected, viz., Mrs. W. Boyd Watt, Mr. Walter Fox, Mr. William E. Glegg, Mr. D. J. Scourfield, Mr. J. C. Shenstone and Mr. F. W. Thorrington. The members of the Cole Pension Committee were re-elected for another year. The President then delivered his Presidential Address : "Some Notes on the Pleistocene Mammals of Essex," which he illustrated by lantern- slides and by the exhibition of specimens from the Club's Museum. In proposing a vote of thanks to the President for his Address, Mr. E. T. Newton asked that it might be allowed to be printed in the Club's journal ; Mr. Avery seconded ; and on being put to the meeting, the motion was carried unanimously with acclamation. (The Address is printed in full, ante, p. 1). The meeting was then declared at an end.