26 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. It might be said of him as Charles Kingsley said of his friend to whom he dedicated his great prose idyll, "My Winter Garden"—"He played the great game in his work and killed the great game in his play." The second condition was that special facilities for camping should be given to Essex Boy Scouts and Essex Girl Guides. There spoke the lover of children and the firm believer in education. He believed that children should be taught rationally to enjoy God's earth, God's trees and flowers, God's beasts and birds, and above all God's pure air. And the third condition was that he should nominate certain members of the Committee of Management. This was to ensure a certain number of young people who would take a life's interest in the Forest. He said that personally I was too old, but that I should try and start the work, for a few years. He was a great believer in getting young people to take up public work and "carry on" when the older ones dropped out. My Lord, I now have on my father's behalf, to hand to you this token of his dying gift to us all here with the hope and faith that it will- be a source of enjoyment, recreation and health to us and to the genera- tions to come, as he intended it to be, and with the knowledge that in this case at any rate the giving of it gave intense satisfaction and plea- sure to the giver in the last days of his strenuous life. Lord Lambourne and the Countess of Warwick, in proposing and seconding a vote of thanks, on behalf of the county of Essex, eulogised the generosity and public spirit shown in so many different directions by the deceased donor ; and both they and Lord Ullswater emphasized the neces- sity of protecting the wild fauna and flora of the newly-acquired public possession. In this connection it is good to learn that it is the intention of the Trust to reserve one of the coppices as a special nature-reserve for birds and other wild life. The National Trust has set up a Local Committee to manage the Forest, comprising the following :— Major M. Barclay Mr. Edward North Buxton Mr. Gerald Buxton Miss Teresa Buxton Mrs. Calverley Mr. C. H. W. Chubb Mr. Geoffrey Dent Dr. Dawtrey Drewitt Miss G Lister Mr. John Swire with Mrs. Pennington, Gaunt Cottage, Theydon Bois, as Hon. Secretary. Under such direction one may rest satisfied that the natural amenities of the Forest will be maintained and fostered, in accordance with the donor's expressed wish. The Hon. Treasurer (Mr. J. Avery), Mr. S. J. Barns, and the Hon. Secretary (Mr. Percy Thompson), attended the opening ceremony, by invitation, as representatives of the Club.