PALEOLITHIC AND NEOLITHIC IMPLEMENTS. 71 of probability, from their technique, their mineral condition or patination, and from the flint of which they are made. No. 2 is a beautiful, medium-sized, pointed implement in marbled flint, of Late Chellean style. No. 126 is a rather small, long-pointed implement with untrimmed butt, not distinctively from the Milton Street bed ; it might be from Stoke Newington. No. 106 is another, rather similar implement. No. 84 is a broader example, smaller than No. 106, and nearer the sub-triangular form. No. no is a small, narrow and pointed tool. No. 107 is a very good example of the sub-triangular pointed implement, flaked completely over both faces, in marbled flint. No. 86 is a heavy, unfinished, pointed implement, in marbled flint. It is an interesting specimen, evidently discarded before completion owing to its becoming too thick in proportion to its width—always a hopeless fault in the earlier stages of flaking an implement. One cannot draw hard and fast lines in the classification of prehistoric implements. Flint is subject to irregularities of texture, and it will not always flake exactly as the worker wishes. One has to study the grouping of associated forms and get a grasp of the main intention of the workers ; abnormalities are often faults in working. Other specimens I should broadly class as follows :— Pointed Implements of Late Chellean style:—Nos. 46, 17b, 19, 27b (in marbled flint), 37, 40d, 67a, 74a, 105 (in Bullhead flint), 108a, and 114g, which is made from a flake. Chellean man occasionally made an implement out of a big flake, just as he would out of an original nodule ; flake-work has its greatest development in the Mousterian, but is found in every period. Ruder pointed forms, some unfinished, but probably of the same date (Late Chellean) are Nos. 4a (in Bullhead flint), 5e (in Bullhead flint), 7, 8a, 22a, 22b (marbled flint), 30, 30b, 34b, 35f, 40g, 114a, 122b (in marbled flint). Pointed-ovate forms are :—Nos. 3 (this is another specimen made from a flake, with white patina), 10 (very small, in marbled flint), 25a (in marbled flint), 50c (in Bullhead flint), 55, 63c (in marbled flint), 77 (in marbled flint). No. 97 is a small flat ovate, sub-ochreous, abraded, and