PALEOLITHIC AND NEOLITHIC IMPLEMENTS. 73 perhaps a little later than some of the above. No. 50e is another flake, broken and rolled, possibly Mousterian. No. 42c is a somewhat doubtful outside chip, possibly natural. Localities Unknown. No. 21 is a fine implement ; large, broad-pointed, very keen-edged, unabraded, with wedge-shaped butt formed by natural fractures. Its mineral condition suggests the Stoke Newington "floor" of Worthington Smith, and if so it would be of Mousterian date. Size 218 x 108 x 52 mm. The more acute point, No. 59, and the broader specimen, No. 22c, might also, to judge from their patina and technique, be from the same locality. A fine implement is referred to by Worthington Smith in his letter in Nature, but his description does not seem to accord with No. 21, and we have not been able to identify it. No. 116 is a good sub-triangular, ochreous, and almost unabraded implement. Twenty-four implements (of which the best are Nos. 14, 25, 101, and 123) are mostly pointed forms of Chellean or Early Acheulean style. Five implements (Nos. 6, 23b, 40c, 45, 49b) approach the ovate form. Nos. 86 and 28c are two discoidal forms. No. 71 is a heavy, crude, large triangular piece, rather unusual but probably unfinished, as the flint was of bad flaking quality. Size 146 x 142 x 57 mm. No. 128. This is a deeply ochreous flake, evidently from a Palaeolithic river gravel, but not in itself distinctively human. Its claim to interest rests upon the Eolithic chipping of the edges (there is a notch on one side of the narrow end, making a beak-point) which is later than the patination. No. 28g is another patinated flake (either Later Palaeolithic or Neolithic) with extensive and good Eolithic pressure-chipping of the edges, which is later than the patina. Prehistoric imple- ments very frequently have Eolithic chipping of the edges which is later than the patination of the flint ; whereas instances of later re-flaking of older implements by man are very rare. ACHEULEAN. Localities Unknown. There are several very attractive implements in the collection with the lateral ogee twist of the edge, and it is unfortunate