88 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. measured 18ft. 51ns. girth at 5 ft. above the butt, and some fine Scots Pines near the lake were fully 100 feet in height. A splendid Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) was pointed out, and also a huge Hazel in Gravelpit Coppice, 4ft. 6ins. in girth. The remains of the "Doodle Oak" were seen in the northern portion of the Forest: it last put out leaves in 1857, and is said to have measured 60 feet round the base of the trunk !; as Mr. Buxton pertinently remarked, this measurement must have taken in the spreading roots round the bole. A fine spear Oak, stated to have sprung from an acorn dropped by the original Doodle Oak, now shares the enclosure with its putative parent. Lichens were found to flourish in the Forest, several forms which either are unknown, or of very rare occurrence, in Epping Forest, being recorded, such as Calicium hyperellum and Physcia (Anaptychia) ciliaris, Evernia prunastri form retusa was common on tree-trunks, but no Ramalinas nor Usneas were seen. A fine mass of Physcia caesia was noticed growing on a sarsen boulder by the Lake. The full list of lichens noted is as follows :— Calicium hyperellum Ach. Peltigera canina Willd. Parmelia physodes Ach. perlata Ach. ,, saxatilis Ach. ,, sulcata Tayl. ,, dubia Schaer. ,, fuliginosa var. laetevirens Nyl. Evernia prunastri j. retusa Cromb. Xanthoria parietina Th. Fr. Physcia caesia Nyl. ciliaris D.C. hispida Tuckerm. „ pulverulenta Nyl. Pertusaria globulifera Nyl. faginea Leight. ,, pertusa Dal. Tor. and Sarnth. Wulfenii D.C. Cladonia pyxidata Hoffm. ,, fimbriata Fr. macilenta Hoffm. Lecidea ostreata Schoer. quernea Ach. Buellia canescens De Not. myriocarpa Mudd. Opegrapha herpetica Ach. varia Pers. Acrocordia gemmata Koerb. Lecanora subfusca var. allophana Ach. varia Ach. The only Mycetozoan found was a mass of Fuligo septica, var. rufa, which was growing on a partially-dead tree. The specimen has since been given by the finder, Miss Lister, to the Club's Museum. A boulder of Hertfordshire conglomerate by the lake-side measured roughly 4ft. 6ins. by 3 feet by 2ft. 3ms. Only about 4 fallow deer still remain in the Forest of the former herd, and the red deer which forty years ago roamed the Forest have now disappeared. At Forest Lodge, a short formal Meeting of the Club was held, the President presiding, when Miss Edith M. Birt Ulph, of "Lessenden," Colchester, was elected a Member, and one form of nomination was read. The Hon. Secretary referred to the honour of knighthood conferred upon the President since the last meeting, and, in the name of the Club, offered its respectful and very cordial congratulations to Sir Arthur Smith Wood-