93 WILLIAM WHITAKER, B.A., F.R.S., F.G.S. (1836—1925.) AN OBITUARY. ON 15th January last, William Whitaker, rich in years and in the warm affection of all who had the privilege to know him, passed into the Beyond. There is no need, nor is this the place, to record the wealth of happenings which must have befallen this doyen of British geology during his long life of over 88 years ; other pens, abler and better informed than the writer's, will perform that office. Suffice it to mention that he was born on May 4th, 1836, educated at St. Alban's Grammar School and at University College, London, and that he served on the Geological Survey for nearly forty years, on his retirement practising as a consulting engineer. His various books dealing with water supply are essential works of reference, crowded with detailed information on the subject. Indeed, so valuable is this information, that on the outbreak of the late war, a volume already in the press was withheld by order of the Government to guard against the possibility of its falling into enemy hands. Here we prefer to dwell upon William Whitaker's long asso- ciation with our Club, which goes back to the very inauguration of the latter, in the January of 1880, when he, together with another even greater scientist, Charles Darwin, was elected an honorary member, a membership which he retained unbroken until his death 45 years later. During this entire period Whitaker was a most frequent attendant at the Club's Meetings, both at the winter meetings held at Stratford and at the outdoor field meetings held during the summer and autumn months ; and he was often asked, and as often consented, to give the Club the benefit of his unique experience and knowledge by acting as our Con- ductor when excursions of geological interest were being planned. So, also, he readily consented to act as our delegate at the yearly meetings of the British Association, which he almost invariably attended. His honorary membership was no mere titular one. In 1911, in response to urgent solicitations, he qualified for the Presidentship of our Club by submitting himself for