SOME MICRO-ANALYSES OF "MOORLOG." 111 The moorlog sample No. 1 (dredged in latitude 54° 30' N., longitude 2° 40' E. from a depth of 19 fathoms ; these data are given by Whitehead, l.c, page 247) was extremely poor in tree pollen : only 2 pine and 4 birch pollen grains were recorded. Besides these, 11 pollen grains of a distinct Salix type and 20 of a salicoid type were noted. In the other specimens willow pollen was practically absent. The highest Corylus percentage, 26, was met with in Sample 5 (55° 30' N., 3° 30' E., 20 fathoms). This sample also contained guard-cells from the stomata of pine needles and differed from most of the others in yielding more birch than pine pollen (70 and 30 % respectively). The following table gives the percentages of the pollen flora in some other samples :— Of other micro-fossils there were recorded :— Oak pollen : samples 3 and 6 (one pollen grain in each). Elm pollen : sample 6 (a single pollen-grain.) Chenopodiaceae, pollen : 4. Ericaeus, tetrads: 4, 5, 6. Graminea, pollen : 1, 4, 6. Umbelliferae, pollen : 1. Sphagnum, spores : 6, 9, 14. From the Swedish west coast Erdmann described in 1908 (Geol. For. Fork., Bd. 30) some specimens of "moorlog," which seem to belong to another, distinctly younger type than the above specimens. From these samples Lagerheim and von Post recorded pollen of alder, birch, hazel, pine, oak, lime, elm and sallow. According to vox Post birch-pollen is the dominating one (64%). The following table indicates the position which, in my opinion, the moorlog deposit of the Dogger Bank holds relatively to the cultural periods of Denmark and the climatic periods of Northern Europe. 1. A second control analysis yielded Fine 80, Birch 20, Hazel 1.