144 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. This is the largest party I have observed on tidal water. Five were observed in Hamford Water on 21/3/25, and two in the river (Copperas Bay) on the following day. It will be noted that these dates fall within the range of the spring migration period. Red-throated Diver (?) (Colymbus stellatus Pontopp.). I observed a diver in Hamford Water on 21/3/25. This was almost certainly a Red-throated but the view was too brief to permit me to complete the identification. Stock-Dove (Columba o. oenas L.). Small parties of two or three birds seen in April, July, August and November 1924. The old trees on the Lawford meadows are probably used for nesting purposes. Ringed Plover (Charadrius h. hiaticula L.). Identified on all visits except July and November, 1924. The absence of the species in the former month is probably explained by the fact that I did not get out of the actual estuary, which is probably not much frequented by this species during the nesting season, as there are no suitable nesting sites. Very few were seen up the river in August. At times the Plover was very numerous, as in March 1924 and 1925, and Sept. 1924. Golden Plover (Charadrius apricarius L.). Many with Lap- wings at Bradfield, 10/2/24. One in full breeding plumage, Hamford Water, 2/8/24, the only one seen on the mud. About fifty near Ramsey Hall, 23/10/24. About fifty flying over river, 15/2/25. About twenty flying over and a party con- taining some hundreds, Hamford Water, 21/3/25. Grey Plover (Squatarola s. squatarola (L.)). Appears to be a not uncommon bird on the Stour. Identified in all months of visits except July and November. Usually in small parties, which, with one exception, never contained more than eight birds. On 17/1/25 a party of from 30-40 was seen at Hamford Water. On 20/9/24 some were seen in full breeding plumage, at which stage the Grey Plover is an exceedingly handsome bird. Turnstone (Arenaria i. interpres (L.)). Identified in Mill Bay only as follows : Single birds seen on two occasions, 16/3/24 ; one, 21/9/24 ; two, 21/3/25. Dunlin (Calidris a. alpina (L.)). Identified on all visits. At times, as in January, 1924, the abundance of this species was a feature of the bird-life of the river. On watching countless (To be concluded).