THE BIRDS OF THE STOUR VALLEY (ESSEX ONLY). 145 numbers stream past me, I have wondered where they all came from. On such occasions the numbers could only be estimated in thousands, to do justice to the great gatherings of this species. On 13/7/24 very few were seen, and they appeared to be in full breeding plumage. On 2/8/24 the Dunlin was strikingly numerous at Hamford Water. They were still in breeding plumage and uttering their remarkable breeding note. This is the only occasion on which I have heard this call out of the breeding haunts. Everything suggested that this was a migra- tory rush, and my visit of 22/9/24 confirmed this idea, as the numbers were much less. Some, still in breeding dress, were seen up the river on 24/8/24. Knot (Erolia c. canutus (L.)). A party was seen up the river (Copperas Bay), 23/11/24. This was the only occasion on which the species was identified with certainty, but at least on one other occasion there were probably some present. Greenshank (Tringa nebularia (Gunn.)). Several were seen at Hamford Water, 2/8/24, and judging by the notes there must have been a goodly number present. Single birds were observed up the river on 4/8 and 22/9/24, and the species was identified there on 24/8/24. Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus L.). Two, Hamford Water 2/8/24. Common Sandpiper (Tringa hypoleucos L.). Only record one at Wrabness, 24/8/24. Curlew (Numenius a. arquata (L.)). Plentiful. Identified on all visits. Whimbrel (Numenius p. phaeopus (L.)). Up the river, 13/7/24. Very numerous at Hamford Water on 2/8/24. None identified on 21/9/24. Snipe (Capella g. gallinago (L.)). Two, Hamford Water, 20/4/24. Jack Snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus (Brunn.)). One flushed from the long grass near Wrabness Sluice, 1/4/23, and one on the Lawford marsh, 21/4/24. Oystercatcher (Haematopus o. ostralegus L.). Identified in Mill Bay only as follows : Two, 16/3/24 ; one, 20/9/24 ; two, 17/1/25 ; and four, 21/3/25. Common Tern (Sterna h. hirundo L.). One, Hamford Water, 20/9/24. K